Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 4th November, 2021)
Common Garden Spider

Photo: David Long (Sony DSC-RX10M3)
Eeek! Not a favourite of mine. But I wouldn't kill it. I just don't like them, especially when I see one scurrying across the carpet, or hanging on the bedroom ceiling... if they are especially big , I ask for help from next door.... agh!
Spiders are beautiful amazing creatures, especially the foreign ones. and if left alone they do a lot of good.
Yes Veronica,my sentiments entirely !
I too never kill a spider and I love spiders' webs. They are so beautiful and intricate and look amazing when they are white on gates and fences on a frosty morning. People treat animals as if they are brainless just because they can't speak, but to see a spider's web or a bird's nest or an ant-hill is to see a work of art and of practicality. We always get spiders in our house in Autumn and they are welcome; I leave them to their business and they leave me to mine. ....when Our Ashley was still at home she used to give them names! Well done, Rev Long.
I love the cobwebs the spiders weave I must say. Sometimes I see them hanging on the washing line with drops of rain or dew and the sun shining through them. A lovely sight indeed.
Just look at those markings..nature eh! no I don't like them but I could never stop any creatures heart beating..I have dried bay leaves all over the bedroom and so far have only seen one.
Some years ago my next door neighbour knocked on my door and asked if I could move a spider from her kitchen..I'm not joking nor am I exaggerating but it was nearly as big as a tarantula and it was I apologised and left it to her hubby when he came home from work.
We do get a wider variety of spiders in Shevington, as the residents keep their gardens to a higher standard and this attracts a widervariety of wildlife in general.
Only upper class spiders in Shangri-La Shevy, no common or garden spiders allowed.
Mick has a sign on his garden gate that says "No common or vulgar spiders allowed. Trespassers will be mulched with a baseball bat".
Mick do you remember when we used to go for walks in the woods and once we were lying down in a grassy patch, and you caught a daddy long legs and pulled its legs off, it flew around a bit then crashed landed like a plane with no wheels.
Good photo David, you don't realise the patterns on them ,until you get a close up with a camera lens.
Don't keep bigging it up Mick, they'll be putting your rates up :)
Here in Newtown we get all sorts of wildlife climbing in and out of the old bike frames and thrown away furniture, seems they have more fun than on the manicured lawns of certain areas!
Joan I do remember it came down and landed on your exposed belly and you jumping up.
How anyone can pull the legs off a small defenceless creature for no reason except their own sick amusement is beyond my understanding. I was enjoying today's p-a-d until I read that. And someone who has delusions of grandeur towards the rest of us too!
I bet even their ants have fur coats in
I hope they stop in the Shangri la garden I wouldn't want them spreading round in my locality. Serves him right if one is a foreigner with a deadly bite, they do come over occasionally without a passport.
We just get general run-of-the mill riff raff, all welcome :) Good picture Rev
I don't mind 'money'spiders, they can walk all over me!
Little friend you bounce on twine,
Silken thread with glass dew wine ,
Sunlit globules of tear drop bells ,
Dew mist shrouding with cast and spells ,
Dark nights closing as Winter creeps ,
But you cast netting
as your cobweb weeps ..
Irene its better to have a bit of amusement with them, instead of just batting them over the head with a rolled up Wigan Obsever
Mick: I think you were a bit of a lad, in your younger days, taking young lasses to the woods, and watching spiders land on exposed female belly.
How on earth did you find the time to rip the legs off a daddy long leg. You can only be described as an insect killer, with perverse interests. And from shevington, just wait till the locals read this.
Amusement? Pulling their legs off whilst they're still alive?? That's AMUSEMENT?! ! I would NEVER kill a daddy-long-legs but if I ever had no choice but to kill any tiny defenceless creature,, for example if it were suffering, surely a swift blow, ( The Wigan Observer or otherwise! ), and an instant death, would be quick and humane! And you consider yourself better than the rest of us? Look in the mirror, Mick., on the wall.... "Who is the cruellest of us all?" At least we humans on p-a-d can defend ourselves. If that's what they do in Shangri-La Shevy, for amusement, thank Heaven I live somewhere else!
It like the 'Silence of the Lambs' but with Daddy Long Legs!
Irene, Ive just done a Cyrilogoogle and found this its all about the suffering poor tiny animal have to put up with so you women can make yourself presentable.
What about the needless killing of exotic birds so the women in the olden days could wear one of there feathers in there hats and all the foxes that have been wiped out so the women could wear its fur slung around their necks.
There was a lot of cruelty going on when I was young, farmers used to kick hell out of their cows and horse if they wouldn't shift, I and many other lads used to take take birds eggs and in doing so wipe out a whole family of birds.
You still see cruelty going on in the Wigan by the young ones but now days it usually done by shooting a cross bow arrow through a swans neck.
Have to go now Irene because we have a blue bottle buzzing around our telly and I will have to open a window so it can get out, I hope it dos'nt freeze to death because weather woman was saying we might get some frost
And there was the videos that Pey Wet Mick made when he'd be poking wildlife with sticks. They'll all come back to haunt you Pey Wet Mick and you'll be feeling insects crawling over your skin with no relief.
My point. Mick, is that you did what you did when the poor insect was STILL ALIVE and called it "amusement"! The make-up that I use, (or am "caked in" as you so kindly pointed out the other day), is cruelty-free, I assure you. I imagine the same thing goes on with men's after-shaves and with free-range eggs instead of the outrage that is battery-farming just have to be selective about what you buy. I hope your bluebottle wasn't too interested in Coronation Street, (or is it something more high-brow in Shangri-la?), before it was cast out into the frosty night. Goodnight.
Did it not sell mick
Irene, I think what Mick did was just a one off, usually he just tickled me with some grass.
Be careful Mick, or you'll risk getting Googleitis.
Other search engines are available.