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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 20th October, 2021)

Sensory Garden

Sensory Garden
Walker Gardens, Haigh Hall.

Photo: David  (Panasonic FZ330)
Views: 2,048

Comment by: Joan on 20th October 2021 at 06:36

The person who pinched those three bricks had no sense

Comment by: Veronica on 20th October 2021 at 09:10

A well designed garden - a lovely place to rest awhile.
Looks as if someone wanted to destroy something nice just for the sake of it ... no rhyme or reason...

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th October 2021 at 09:52

A beautiful place that holds special memories.

Comment by: Jembo on 20th October 2021 at 10:02

A 'Sensory Garden' I think and very nice.

Comment by: Edna on 20th October 2021 at 10:03

This is a lovely place, I haven't seen it before.Nice photo David.

Comment by: Mick on 20th October 2021 at 11:06

Irene what special memories do these gardens hold for you did you do a bit of courting in them.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th October 2021 at 11:53

No Mick, they are just memories of visits to Haigh Hall as a child with my parents on the "tractor" through the plantations. The Hall itself , (you could go inside when I was little), and even the fishpond bring back the same memories....I can even see the greenhouses in my mind's eye, though they are long gone. The only difference is the site of the children's playground....as you walk up the main driveway, , the playground was down a dip to the left of the hall when I was a child...now it is higher up and over to the right. It just feels timeless in those grounds.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th October 2021 at 13:33

Irene you have the patience of a saint to answer nosey questions the way you do.....I must admit the memories are the same for most of us. The tractor on a hot day with the breeze fanning hot faces, school holidays rambling through the woods to the Hall and the playground with the helter skelter, which looking back was dangerous, it was high up and no safety rails and there was always a queue up the steps, big lads used to try and get past you on those steps as well.... But hey up was exciting!

Comment by: Mick on 20th October 2021 at 16:22

St. Irene my memories are always of the women, I remember one with red hair from New Springs who used to be a rum un, I dont know what happened to her because I left home at 21 so I was done with Wigan women
Funny you should mention the greenhouse because it was only last week that I took a photo of the steps leading to the greenhouses, look out for it on future PADs, if it gets excepted.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th October 2021 at 16:41

Bless you, Mick! From "St. Irene"! I wonder if your flame-haired lady remembers you? I hope so. Veronica, I was born under Libra so I AM peace-loving, and also my name means "Peace", so I DO have a lot of patience, but only to a point, then I let fly! I remember the slide in Wigan Park also being very high but we caught no harm, did we? Happy days! xxx

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