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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 7th October, 2021)

In the Countryside

In the Countryside
Near Pendlebury Lane Bridge, Haigh.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Nikon D7500)
Views: 2,133

Comment by: Veronica on 7th October 2021 at 06:57

Another classic from the Dennis Seddon portfolio! Sharp and clear and the sheep give life to a typical country scene. Some beautiful country side AROUND Wigan and beyond.. the washing must be dry and put away.. ;~[)..

Comment by: Fred Mason on 7th October 2021 at 08:02

Very nice, Dennis...really peaceful, in 'Englands green and pleasant land'.

Comment by: Mick on 7th October 2021 at 08:23

Just look at that fence and gate, it looks like its ready for falling down to me patched up with a bit of barbed wire, maybe them overgrown brambles are helping to keep it up.
If you go down to Oxfordshire, you will see some lovely well maintained farmers rustic fences, and you can also go to Yorkshire and Cumbria to see the lovely dry stone walls that there farmers keep well maintained

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 7th October 2021 at 08:45

It's nice up Haigh Veronica, nearly as nice as Shevvy :) Good Capture Dennis, you don't half get about. Have you got an electric bike too !!

Comment by: Jembo on 7th October 2021 at 08:52

A lovely photo. Much better than Google Street View types.

Comment by: Edna on 7th October 2021 at 09:15

Who was it who said there was no countryside in or around Wigan.This is lovely, and on our doorstep.

Comment by: Poet on 7th October 2021 at 10:05

I've tried counting those sheep and I make it ......zzzzzzzzzz .

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 7th October 2021 at 10:07

I have a pony Standisher, shank’s pony. Sometimes I use my bus pass to get somewhere and then walk it back to Wigan if it’s not too far.
Some people take their dog for a walk, I take my camera. Really it’s just an excuse to get out for some fresh air and exercise.
I’m hoping to get back on the trains next year and go a bit further afield.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th October 2021 at 10:24

I have "The Family Way" on dvd and this reminds me of Ezra, played by the brilliant John Mills, speaking of a remark made by his childhood friend Billy. "You can't beat Nature for beauty, Ezra", Billy had said....and he was right.

Comment by: David Barker on 7th October 2021 at 11:02

Another nice composition Dennis.

Comment by: Gary on 7th October 2021 at 11:33

Irene - Ezra also said: "If a thing's natural you'll see animals do it. A've never seen a horse reading a book."

Comment by: Linma on 7th October 2021 at 11:54

Two people, Irene and Gary, who like me enjoy a good film.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 7th October 2021 at 11:55

Beautiful photo,as always from Dennis.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th October 2021 at 12:02

That's right, Gary, he did! I can almost recite that film, like Dolly, (Veronica), and I can almost recite Brief Encounter! Peter and I are always quoting out of "Darling buds of May", "Spring and Port Wine" and "dinnerladies" and my daughter always says, "You're sad, you two!" , but she's just as bad!

Comment by: TerryW on 7th October 2021 at 13:25

Mick, for god's sake, stop moaning and trying to slag other people's photos off.

Comment by: Pw on 7th October 2021 at 14:22

The house looks like one of those Lilliput Lane models.Nice peaceful rural photo.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th October 2021 at 14:57

Terry W, if photo-a-day was The Mona Lisa, Mick would say she wasn't smiling!

Comment by: Mick on 7th October 2021 at 16:49

Irene dont get involved.

Comment by: DTease on 7th October 2021 at 16:51

Irene, if photo-a-day was The Haywain he would say that Shevy Parish Council would never let anyone park in the pond like that.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th October 2021 at 18:28

Same with The Last Supper he'd say the chips were too cold ! Not as good as the Chippy in Shevvy...;~)

Comment by: Mick on 7th October 2021 at 18:43

Living on the edge of the Lancashire countryside in Shevington, I'm used to sights this as I wake up to it every morning.

Comment by: Anne on 7th October 2021 at 18:53

I am not a regular piccy contributor to PAD but of the few I have had posted Mick has never had a bad word to say about any of them.

Comment by: Pat McC on 7th October 2021 at 19:43

I wake up in the Pembrokeshire National Park every morning Mick, but the rustic beauty of the countryside in this photo is gorgeous. The brambles remind me of blackberry picking with my Gran - out very early in the morning and back home before dinner to make the tarts - delicious.

Comment by: DTease on 7th October 2021 at 19:57

Give him time, Anne, give him time, he’ll get round to you eventually.

Comment by: Cyril on 7th October 2021 at 20:25

Well enjoy it while you still can Mick, as those vast private housing estates are encroaching - and fast too at that. Standish is full so surely Shevington shall be on those developers blueprints next, if not already, and the chance of a well padded back pocket always will sway someone to go their way.

Comment by: Joan on 7th October 2021 at 22:19

Lets be fair I think Mick was only saying about the brambles and the tatty fence, he wasn't commenting about the photo.

Comment by: Joan on 7th October 2021 at 22:22

You are correct Anne Mick never say anything bad about the photos, he just leave genuine comments.

Comment by: e on 8th October 2021 at 00:42

The bramble's fruit has been and gone,
they nestle down for sleep to come,
when colour changes brown to gold,
leaves once new will now fall old.
Back to earth that gave it life,
from reaching out for warm sunlight,
a yearly journey, the close of play,
the gentle step of Nature's way..

Comment by: irene roberts on 8th October 2021 at 08:54

I think what people mean about Mick is that he always compares photos of Wigan to other places...".In Oxfordshire it is much better because....."; "The people in Yorkshire would build a much better wall .....". Other places are always BETTER than Wigan in Mick's

view, and to those of us who love Wigan it is annoying. I personally get on okay with Mick but I CAN see what people find irritating. Why even look at p-a-d if nothing is ever pleasing?

Comment by: Pat McC on 8th October 2021 at 09:07

Spot on Irene!

Comment by: Veronica on 8th October 2021 at 17:29

Idiotic and boring! I wouldn't care if he was talking sense.

Comment by: Mick on 8th October 2021 at 18:51

Irene the photos are put on Wiganworld to show what a particular area of Wigan is looking like.
There are no rules that say they have to please you, but its good that they can jog you memory of the last time you saw the same view, even for you who mostly has no idea were the photo was taken.
And Ill say it again, the view above is spoiled by that broken fence, barbed wire and brambles.

Comment by: Anne on 12th October 2021 at 07:59

I am not a regular piccy contributor to PAD but of the few I have had posted Mick has never had a bad word to say about any of them.

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