Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 11th September, 2021)

Photo: Mick Byrne (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Mick, Wigan Grand Arcade, Wigan Little Theatre and a ST. HELENS bus, actually.
Wigan Little Theatre is a gem of a place,missed it very much due to covid.
I used to volunteer for the bar at WLT and remember sitting in the alleyway by the river Douglas which runs down the side of the theatre, one hot evening when the audience had gone back up to the auditorium, just for a "cooler", and seeing that rounded end of The Grand Arcade when it was only half-built. That was when the bar was in the basement of the theatre, not next door as it is now. One night I was in the basement bar alone when they did "Jane Eyre". The audience had just gone up and the opening to the play was a very eerie, moaning wind and the sound people had accidentally sent it through the speakers into the bar instead of the auditorium......I was collecting glasses and it's a wonder I didn't drop them! I remember being fitted for costumes when I was in two plays too...... the costume room is right at the top of the building, up stairs that seem to go on forever!
Well done James, it's an MX61 KOD ADL Dart 4 ADL Enviro 200, and is run by Hattons Travel, St Helens.
That Mick knows close to nowt.
The last of the old buildings on that stretch. Although I have only been inside twice and for the life of me can't recall what plays I saw. Such a familiar building. That's not very nice George..the bus is going into Wigan. ( and leaves Wigan)
Yes a St Helens bus.
Veronica, the bus will be the 630, leaving Wigan and going to Abram via Ince, then back to Wigan bus station. The nearest it'll get to being a St.Helens bus is that it's a bus operated by a St.Helens based company.
Likewise, the nearest it'll get to being a Wigan bus is that it goes to Wigan.
It's a bus, you set of crackpots.
Well Bruce it is nit pickers anonymous on here sometimes..
One can only despair at the cultural standards of Wiganers. Give 'em the theatre and they talk of buses . George (of Hindley) , thou art truly an Anorak . Exit pursued by a bear .
No. I'm a duffle coat. Mick's an anorak.
That’s not a Wigan bus that Mick, that’s a St Helens bus that Mick. That’s a Sky blue pink with a finnyhaddy border MX61 KOD ADL Dart 4 ADL Enviro 200 that is Mick, and it’s run by Hattons Travel, St Helens that is Mick. Just ‘cos it’s in Wigan doesn’t mean it comes from Wigan Mick.
Tha ast fert get these things ‘reet’ Mick ‘cos if tha gets it wrung the world will fall into a big hole and that’ll be the end of mankind as we know it Mick.
I’ll have you know Will, I’m a Wiganer and there’s nothing wrong with my cultural standards. Over the years I’ve picked my nose at the traffic lights with many of Wigan’s finest intellectuals.
Never let it be said that a born and bred Wiganer can’t hold his own when it comes to cleaning his honker with a finely tuned index finger.
DTease, that just reminds me of when I was a child in Ince. If my friends and I were going, say, to Ince Park and we passed another group of girls, they would invariably chant, all together, "Where you goin'?" and we would reply, "Up me nose, pickin' crows, an' you can carry t'basket!".