Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 24th August, 2021)
Crooke Marina

Photo: Barrie Old (Canon PowerShot A540)
Yes Barrie, it used to run towards the John pit
The hump on the tow path were you are stood was the end of the tramway that run down from Pemberton
That looks lovely! It's amazing what we have on our own doorstep.
It looks a lovely scene, you would never think there was a mine at one time in the locality.
What a splendid shed . Reminds me of Mahler's composing hut .
Poet, composing or composting?
Visited a couple of weeks ago and that was the 1st time in 60 years, chatted to a lady who suggested looking at the Crooke Village website which I did once home -a very interesting community website.
Mick, at the other end of the spur (access road to the village) Mill Brook seems to exit into it. Did any one watch Canal Boat Diaries on BBC 4 recently -Robbie Cumming on the L&L canal through Wigan, Gathurst to Liverpool?