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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 14th May, 2021)

Wigan Bus Station

Wigan Bus Station
Wigan Bus Station, now undergoing repairs.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 2,354

Comment by: e on 14th May 2021 at 01:48

I rather have our buses then,
than this multi coloured blab,
conductor with his ticket roll,
smoke up top, and finger scrolls
on steamed up windows hearts were sold,
from Woollies bus stop place of gold
the hustle bustle now untold,
our memories journey we now unfold
when the bus was part of us...

Comment by: PeterP on 14th May 2021 at 08:44

Not lasted long if its under repair???

Comment by: Veronica on 14th May 2021 at 08:49

Unbelievable that repairs are needed after such a short time. It's to be hoped that charges are not being made!?.. I usually come to Wigan on the train so don't use the bus station much. I must admit it's a better lay out than the previous one. The way stores are emptying at the moment not many will be using it whether or not, sadly. Good photo Dennis pointing out the latest occurrences in Wigan no need for a 'now and then' photo with the bus station as the 'then' is a 'nearly now'!! Phew!

Comment by: Gary on 14th May 2021 at 08:51

Like the one at Chorley some years ago (and built nearer to Adlington) it has all the beauty and presence of a pair of sliding doors!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 14th May 2021 at 09:14

I must say I like the new bus station better than the old one, but as Veronica says, we'll soon have no shops left for people coming to Wigan to visit! It's like putting the cart before the horse, or "all dressed up and nowhere to go".

Comment by: A.W. on 14th May 2021 at 09:35

There were problems with the previous bus station on this site, it was only opened in the late 80's and needing repair by the early 90's.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 14th May 2021 at 09:37

Veronica, have you seen that ‘Cowyed’ painted on the side of the shop on Market Street, Westhoughton? Do you know who painted it?

Comment by: Mick on 14th May 2021 at 09:38

Its just having a bit of maintenance done that's all, I noticed non of you noticed that the Abbey Lakes pub had a skip outside and was also having some work done.
If the plans go ahead all them buses will be the same colour soon, I wonder if some Wiganers will be complaining that they caught the wrong bus home because of the colour change

Comment by: Mick on 14th May 2021 at 09:48

When I got my bus pass, I used it to catch buses free to Southport, Manchester, Liverpool and many of the local routes.
I also used my bus pass to catch trains free along with my bike to Blackpool, Southport, Preston, Liverpool, Warrington and near enough to Todmorden and close to the standedge tunnel, then rode back along the canal bank to Manchester on the bike.

Comment by: Anne on 14th May 2021 at 10:34

Mick, interested in your comment about free train to Blackpool, Southport, Liverpool. With my bus pass it only covers Greater Manchester trains. Southport, free to Appley Bridge, Blackpool full fare. Buxton, free to Glossop. Now a ten pound excess on bus pass. Is Yours not a Greater Manchester pass?

Comment by: Veronica on 14th May 2021 at 10:42

I have seen it Dennis but I'm not really a fan of paintings on brick walls but I will make it my business to find out.
I know the 'wall' belongs to the Beer School! Whether they have given permission or not I don't know. I am a bit of an Hyacynth Bouquet with regards to 'scrawls on walls'!
;-)) ( no matter how good or bad they are)

Comment by: Veronica on 14th May 2021 at 10:49

Travel on the train to Southport and Blackpool isn't free Mick with your bus pass. It is to Manchester , I don't know about Preston... I sometimes go by train to Windermere, last year I paid about £16. May be a bit cheaper with a rail card. The trains would be full if it was free.

Comment by: Roy on 14th May 2021 at 10:56

Gary, what do you want from a bus station ? It is a thousand times better than the previous one, it's warm, bright, organised and contains some shops and toilets.
Referring to Chorley bus station (some years ago) are you talking about the present one ? The present one has been open 21 years.

Comment by: Mick on 14th May 2021 at 12:11

Yes me and my mate should have paid a bit for some of the journeys but the ticket man never came to us, and most of the journey we were stood up keeping an eye on our bikes.

Comment by: Jembo on 14th May 2021 at 12:26

It’s modern, clean and stylish - especially inside. I like it.

Comment by: Carolaen on 14th May 2021 at 15:06

Veronica (and Mick etc). Count your blessings that at least you have the benefits of living in a Metro area with a Transport Authority. in Wigan

I now live in North Somerset which is one of the 4 Unitaries that make up the Greater Bristol (or Avon,) We don't have such a transport authority. Our bus pass is literally just that. There is a mainline railway station in the small town where I live but you only get any discount if you have a senior citizens railcard. What was even more annoying was that before I retired I had the choice of going into Bristol to work either by bus or train. However there was no Travel card system so you had to buy separate tickets - even though First Group ownd and ran both the train and the bus services.

Comment by: Maureen on 14th May 2021 at 15:49

I use it every week,and I think it's very good,as Roy said its bright,warm and very clean.

Comment by: Mick on 14th May 2021 at 17:03

Carolaen ah but you can visit Clarks Shoe Village and buy discounted shoes

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 14th May 2021 at 17:29

I agree, Maureen. When I was involved with Wigan Little Theatre I used to be very nervous on the old bus station at night.....they used to close the nearest stands to Market Street after 7pm and you had to go to the further stands, I ended up ordering taxis from WLT as I felt safer. I no longer use the bus station at night but am sure I would feel happier on the new one. I think there are staff there at all times when it is open.

Comment by: Edna on 14th May 2021 at 18:30

When I saw the workmen on this bus station.I thought this is one for WW.But, you have beaten me to it Dennis.Anyway never mind, its a good photo, and l agree with Roy, much better than the old one, and I imagine much safer in the evening's.

Comment by: Gary on 14th May 2021 at 18:34

I am in no position to comment on the use of the new bus station- the appearance, like that at Chorley, is somewhat bland.
Roy - the Chorley bus station is the same one you mention. I recall it from 2004, the year my mother died. I could not believe its inconvenience away from the centre, unlike the old one. A stroll to the centre had become a hike!

Comment by: The Real James Hanson on 14th May 2021 at 19:34

It's the Beer School, a bar on Market Street. Kazer, graffiti artist from Walkden (Wogdin!)


Comment by: . Ozy . on 14th May 2021 at 19:40

Come on Mick, out of all the places you've mentioned, we both know that the only one that you can get remotely close to for free with a bike is Todmorden, and even then Littleborough is still twelve miles away.
O.k., you can go to Greenfield for nowt, which is handy for Standedge, but as Anne and Veronica have already stated, Appley bridge is the farthest you'll get on the Southport line, and as for Preston or Blackpool, you're on the west coast main line there, where a station in the GM area doesn't even exist. So when you're banged up in Strangeways for fare evasion, I promise I'll come to visit.

Comment by: DTease on 14th May 2021 at 20:55

Fare evasion Mick? that won't go down well with the Parish Council will it? You could find yourself exiled from Shangri La to a Council House sine die. Still, I'm sure your new neighbours will give you a warm welcome.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th May 2021 at 21:23

It must be quite a while since Mick evaded payment because there's turnstiles that you have to get through at all the stations mentioned. Even Wigan station has a guard at the top near the lift if you don't go through the turnstiles.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th May 2021 at 21:39

I should imagine if Mick does end up 'banged up' and banished from Shangri la la land the town council would get a petition up to ' Free the Shevy Bike Mon! With posters on every 'gas' lamp and tree in the area.

Comment by: Irene Robert on 14th May 2021 at 22:41

I'll send you a file in a cake, Mick! (Or in a pie!). I know you can only get part-way to Southport as once you get to Appley Bridge you are outside of "Greater Manchester" and have to pay. I HATE "Greater Manchester" when I live in Lancashire....whoever heard of Greater Manchester Hot-Pot or Greater Manchester Cheese?. But, unfortunately with buses ad trains, our passes will only take us to areas in "Greater Manchester".

Comment by: Veronica on 15th May 2021 at 08:41

We'll go in dressed as nuns Irene and rescue him. Ozy will be waiting with his 'gerra away' van (if it's roadworthy after all this time) and Dtease can entertain the screws and other ne'er do wells with a few jokes whilst we smuggle him out. Nodody'll notice 3 nuns! We can't have him languishing in Strangeways - what about photos for PaD?

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 15th May 2021 at 09:16

Brilliant, Veronica....I've only just seen this! Sister Act Three!

Comment by: DTease on 15th May 2021 at 11:53

You could all box his ears Veronica, he would like that. It would bring back happy memories for him.

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