Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 11th March, 2021)
Highland Cows

Photo: Dave (Oy) (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
This PAD reminds me of what I just had for breakfast, three hand crushed Shredded wheat
It just shows that even with a camera phone, you can take some fantastic photos, but you also need an eye for it.
Another great photo Dave.
At first I thought it was a Autumn photo, but then I've just finished my night shift.
Just up the road from me. I have seen them many times. They're lovely!
It looks like they're enjoying the rough stuff. AND they are socially distancing.. good one.
Ouch ! Sorry Willie . Didna see ye there laddie .
This is more like a WW P-a-D photograph.
I'm sorry but yesterdays photo isn't in my opinion what WW is about, some of Dave's pics are becoming beyond the recognition of the 'man in the street'. I am inclined to believe that it was a photo 'messed and mauled with', but let's get back to point, click and send, and before anyone asks me where are my pics, i don't have the facilities to send pics to WW.
Another good photo, I didn't know there was a Country Park in Bickershaw.
Garry lad, Oys iPhone 12 Pro Max as one of the best cameras in the world built in it.
But all this over praise of certain individual efforts could have a slow down of you average Joe contributions to Pads, who are out nearly everyday taking their run of the mill photos of places in the Wigan area that Wiganers can remember.
I agree with you Jonno, but I will also add, your average Joe contributors to WW Pads have to send in there photos, and then have to wait a few weeks to see if they are chosen for Pads, but not Oy, because he can jump the queue which doesn't seem fair to some viewers of WW that have have spoken to when Im out and about. you can see from Oys comments that he already knows whats coming tomorrow.
Heilan' Coos at Bickershaw Country Park. A closer look tomorrow
So pleased you can't send in any pics Jonno, they most probably be boring.
That's my opinion.
Beautiful photo love it.
It's a privilege for WW to have a professional contributor on here. I think yesterday's photo was a 'one off'... even if ' rearranged' nothing wrong with that. Most of the other contributors are valued as well, they just behave with dignity if others 'slate' their contributions. Frank Orrell puts professional photos on album and you can see the difference, that's not to say other photos are not appreciated. It's a favour whoever contributes as far as I'm concerned. As for 'over praising' it's up to the individual how much they like a photo to comment what they please.
Ok folks. The general mood and tone of this section of WiganWorld has changed - and quite recently. It isn't fun anymore.
Tomorrow's photo may be your last from me.
I didnt realise that PAD was a competion....Give it rest will you !
I can understand why you feel that way Dave, but I for one will be very disappointed if the complainers succeed in their efforts to ruin this site. Don’t let them get to you Dave.
Dave(oy) dont let certain people put you off posting. It is because they are not has good as you and have to TRY to belittle the very good photos that you post. If you stop posting then they will have won and then they will start posting their dross.One member was made inactive on the threads because he had a downer on women and anything to do with council estates . he is now trying to upset people on PAD with his stupid comments along with certain people who have only just startrd to post on PAD.
I totally agree with you DTease & Dave we all look forward to seeing more of your interesting photos on take no notice of negative comments.
You carry on taking those beautiful photos Dave. Most genuine people on here look forward to your photos that are a real treat, in fact the best.
Don't let them win, your stronger than that.
Mick, you make a mistake in thinking that the price of a camera makes for a superb photo. What really matters is what you include in your photo and, equally as important, what you leave out!
Most modern cameras will produce an acceptable picture whether they be cheap or expensive.
Dave (Oy) as, over the years he has contributed to this site, shown that he has a talent for seeing what most of us would miss.
I believe that you possess the same talent Mick, many of your photos are of interest to many people, but you have a tendency to spoil your efforts by your criticism of other people’s efforts. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but it is not always wise to voice that opinion.
Dave your much a bigger and better person than this minority of ill mannered folk. You keep pad alive and kicking, don't stop.
The mood and tone of all the sections of WiganWorld has only changed since those multi named rejected members of WW started posting
I will be disappointed as well Dave not being able to view you photos, I refuse to join that other Wigan forum website to do so, so dont stop posting them on here.
Photo’s of Wigan is what it says!!!! Did anyone recognize where in Wigan yesterday’s photo was taken?
Mick lad, Dave Oy's photos are justifiably praises because they are brilliant. Any decent person would totally agree with the comments he receives for his work. You get the praise about your images, but because you tend to talk nonsense before you engage you brain you tend to receive flak that is sometimes justified. In other words, " you dig you own hole."
We get many birds and animals on PaD. They may be in a Wiganer's garden, up a tree, or on fence. With respect ....they don't have to be at the top of the Parish Church, or in Wigan Park to recognise that it's Wigan for that matter. Birds fly in all gardens, I don't think they need a passport to say they are Wigan birds. We assume the birds yesterday were in the boundary of Wigan.
Don't stop posting please. Dave Oy. I almost stopped viewing and commenting on p-a-d last year due to nasty remarks until I realised that 99% of the people I have got to know on here are genuine and kind, and I was letting the other 1% win. I look forward not only to the photos each day but to the brilliant poems and amusing banter between the regulars....there is more talent on p-a-d than just the photos. I don't like every photo but I will always try to say something favourable and if I can't I would rather just not comment. We all need something to look forward to each day with the present situation. Don't allow yourself to be driven away from what is a daily gathering of Wiganers, wherever they are in the world...every rose has its thorns..
mick look at 10:17
My last comment and it is to the contributor of the photo.
Was the photo actually taken in Wigan?
Has the photo “ been played with”?
Peter Pudding I wasn't made inactive I asked to be made inactive, because I was sick of you multi named friends picking on certain members, try swapping the side of the bed you get out of tomorrow it might do you a world of good.
Teasy it was you yesterday made this comment about me, That sounds like a bit of the “Green eyed monster Mick, just because I shared a genuine encounter with two Robins.
Garry you say I talk nonsense, but at least I'm honest and I never sit next to a imaginative log burning fire and sip non existent sherry
I agree with all the positive comments above Dave.As I have said before on here, "Rise above the negatives".Please don't leave.You will have us all going on strike...
Wiganer Ive looked and see no problem with the 10.17 post, because what was said is all true
Mick I have a proper fireplace with a real Coal fire and at this moment it's roaring away. My favourite drink is Harveys Bristol Sherry. The point of all this is you criticize other people's photographs and if it not around Shevington area you don't believe it. Today, its Dave's oy's photo next time its some other snappers turn.
I live with my dog and enjoy Wigan World Album and of course Photo a day. If your going to criticize Ince, Platt Bridge Hindley etc as you do, expect it back. Now for another large glass of sherry in front of my lovely fire Cheers.
Mick you criticize Dave for knowing his photo is on tomorrow and has a closer look.
Lets have it right your bitter about it because it doesn't happen to you.
Mick you did not like being pulled to pieces on the threads so you left, do us all a favour and leave PAD
The only thing to do with Mick is to completely blank his comments... he thrives on all this attention to his odd ball comments. He ends up taking over everyday with his nit picking. Why does he get away with it? It's beyond me...
Good God what a sad thread twisting lot you rejects are.
You are correct. I acknowledge the photo, as with a lot more, is good but I see spit the dummy hasn’t answered my question. I never go out without my camera but they aren’t photo’s of Wigan so I don’t post them.
Keep posting your excellent pictures Dave, to leave and walk away results in an ' Away Win'. You're much better than that and I for one will miss your contributions.
Hear hear from all Genuine pad watchers and posters.
If he Dave wants to leave, let him, don't beg for him to stay.