Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 7th March, 2021)

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Nikon D850 : 500mm F/5.6 PF)
Incredible shot. Well done (as usual)
Almost every day I see two Bald Headed Eagles flying around. Great to see.
Wow, it would have looked spectacular if the two Crows had really attacked the Buzzard.and sent some feathers flying
We see buzzards here, yesterday morning there were 3 circling high in the sky, what they can see on the ground from way up there beats me. The seagulls do the same thing as these crows are doing seeing them off.
Very clear Dave, these birds can be very high up in the sky, I saw some sea gulls chasing a buzzard on my dog walk at Amberswood the other day, it could be the same bird.
Superb capture. I see buzzards competing for territory especially when sending young off. Never seen crows mobbing the buzzards although there are plenty about.
Good shot Dave, right place, right time for that one
That awesome .
Drama in the sky, two against one. Would one carrion crow attack the buzzard.?.. I don't think so , looking at the strength of it. Excellent photo.
Fantastic photo., Dave Oy. My daughter Ashley and I were on a boat once in Stratford-on-Avon when we saw two birds, (I don't know what sort), dragging another bird along the bank by its wings with a lot of birds following along watching. There had obviously been some altercation and the bird was being punished. I remember it really upset me. We tend to think of birds as lesser beings than ourselves but they obviously have their own rules and regulations and punishments, as we do. Ashley now lives on The Isle of Lewis and, like Broady, often sees eagles. Broady, thankyou so much for the lovely pics of deer which you sent me via facebook.
What a fantastic shot Dave,that said I'm always afraid of any big birds seeing my little Chihuahua in the garden,I have to watch all the time since a couple of years ago when a seagull swooped down and took one named Gizmo,the same name as mine..they really are magnificent birds though,and they have their own laws,again,a magnificent shot,you must have loads of patience..thank you.
Wow! What a photo,brilliant.Very interesting comments as well.Thank you,Dave.
We had one through the last cold spell that perched itself in a tall tree much to the annoyance of crows and magpies,but the buzzard just ignored them all but when it flew off it was always bombarded but the crows but would reappear the next day.
Thats a belter.
Wow Dave, that's such a powerful shot. Your expertise always shines through. And Irene, I think we've all seen groups of birds squabbling in gardens or on rooftops, but I'd have been really upset too by what you saw. Nature at its worst, and best,
Crows are clever . A scientific study has shown Aesop's fable of the Crow and the Pitcher to be more than mere myth . Unable to reach the water at the bottom of the jug , the crow would drop in stones to make the level rise sufficiently for him to drink . Brain above brawn , as Dave's wonderful photo illustrates .
What a photograph Dave, well done. When we moor up at Dunham Massey we see lots of Buzzards, usually in pairs, and we get the binoculars out, what a beautiful sight they are.
Thanks folks - another lucky shot (I got 4 of them haah!)
The buzzards are seen very often over Amberswood.Very high and fascinating to watch.