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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 24th August, 2019)

Tangled Tunnel

Tangled Tunnel
A favourite walk near Hic Bibi, Standish.

Photo: Poet  (Lenovo 2)
Views: 2,558

Comment by: Derek Platt on 24th August 2019 at 03:04

Great photo Poet, but what is Hic Bibi.

Comment by: Ken R on 24th August 2019 at 04:21

Lovely photo Poet but who has the right of way in passing.

Comment by: Maureen on 24th August 2019 at 07:43

Oh,I love this shot..an Alice in Wonderland moment..I bet loads of little fairies live in those trees,and don't anyone tell me there's no such thing..or they'll come and put a spell on you.ha ha.

Comment by: Philip G. on 24th August 2019 at 08:12

Nicely, Poet. And your tangled tunnel must have held a 'Throlly's nest' or two.

Comment by: mick on 24th August 2019 at 08:35

I think you would have to duck to get under them especially if you was on a bike

Comment by: Linma on 24th August 2019 at 12:03

As a Standish lass I don't know where this is.

Comment by: Veronica on 24th August 2019 at 12:09

Looks like a path to a secret garden- but could do with cutting back a bit!

Comment by: Alan on 24th August 2019 at 12:58

Bet its full of dog poo.

Comment by: Poet on 24th August 2019 at 13:00

Derek, this area is known as Hic Bibi after the brook which flows between Standish and Coppull. Legend has it the name comes from when Cromwell stopped to take refreshment on his way to Wigan after the Battle of Preston declaring 'Hic Bibe' ( Here I drink , in Latin).
Ken, regarding right of way I think precedence should always be given, as Maureen will concur, to the 'little people '.
Much nidification here Phil so Mick should watch his yed.
Linma, it's over Langtree near Coppull Moor Lane.

Comment by: Poet on 24th August 2019 at 13:55

Al, it's part of a nature reserve. No dogs are allowed.

Comment by: Fw on 24th August 2019 at 15:46

Dance little ones , when no one can see,
Hide under leaf let’s , or branches of trees ,
Fly in the darkness , then swoop by the moon ,
Gone dew by morning , your playtime ends soon ...

No one can harm you ,
For they cannot see ,
You reveal to the chosen
Your treasures for free.
Those that can see you ,
You give them your spell
Reveal not you saw me
Please promise don’t tell .
As, for us adults ,
a cynical crew ,
They will never see us ,
Just perhaps one or two ...
They live in their moment,
other worlds can’t exist ,
Dreams are for dreamers ,
With minds in a twist .
I love the eccentric,
those willing to doubt,
those who question
What’s this all about .
Where did all this come from ,
Who made what we see
This beautiful picture ,
Did someone make it , or did it just arrive free?

Comment by: Alan on 24th August 2019 at 20:11

Excellent Poet.

Comment by: Gary on 24th August 2019 at 20:23

Poet - Oliver Cromwell complained about the ground between Preston and Wigan after the battle in 1648.
There was torrential rain and he described it as "the worst ground I have ridden in my life."
I have never heard the hic bibe quote.

Comment by: Maureen on 24th August 2019 at 20:31

Poet,you have a rare gift..I just love your poem.

Comment by: Poet on 24th August 2019 at 22:11

I also like the poem Maureen, but credit here to FW, not me.

Comment by: Arthur on 25th August 2019 at 13:18

MAUREEN DON'T BE so naive love, poem's are copied.

Comment by: Maureen on 25th August 2019 at 19:16

Ok Arthur...no matter who's it is..it's lovely.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th August 2019 at 09:02

Good answer Maureen... But does Arthur have proof that these poems are copies - I don't think so! There are many people who like to write poetry for their own interest...

Comment by: Maureen on 26th August 2019 at 12:09

Ta Veronica,Poet did say it wasn't his own,but he is a brilliant poet in his own right,so for my money,it could have been his own.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th August 2019 at 15:43

Instead it's FW who I seem to think is FromWhere! To me it's the same 'style' of writing.....

Comment by: Arthur on 27th August 2019 at 13:12

What I meant was most are copied.

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