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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 2nd April, 2019)

Banksy on Wallgate

Banksy on Wallgate

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Views: 2,592

Comment by: LizzieLocket on 2nd April 2019 at 08:47

Is that a self portrait of Mr B? He looks scary!

Comment by: Garry on 2nd April 2019 at 09:23

It's horrible Graffiti that I've no time for, they should be fined for that rubbish. People throw cigs on the floor and get fined for doing so, but what about bubble gum thats ever worse for me.

Comment by: Joanne on 2nd April 2019 at 10:25

Great photo, thanks, Mick :o)

“The mural was put in place to immortalise midfielder Max Power, now playing at Sunderland, celebrating Will Grigg's title-winning goal against Doncaster Rovers in May 2018.”


Comment by: Veronica on 2nd April 2019 at 10:44

I agree Garry it may be good art work - much prefer it on canvas rather than a wall! It's graffiti!

Comment by: Wharfside Mafia on 2nd April 2019 at 11:53

Referring to Garry's statement that they should be fined for that rubbish. Well the wall is the property of Speedy Hire and I am reliably informed that they were chuffed to bits when it went up and angered when it was vandalised by an egg chasing scrote.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 2nd April 2019 at 12:50

Intellectual vandalism....

Comment by: Al on 2nd April 2019 at 14:22

In think the graffiti artist should have graffitied the letters "NWO" as in New World Order, which would be very relevant today considering how society is become more like Aldous Huxley's nightmare vision of the future in Brave New World.

Comment by: joe on 2nd April 2019 at 14:53

would look ok apart from soft lads bike

Comment by: TommyT on 2nd April 2019 at 16:32

Joe, I can assure you Mick is not soft.
The graffiti has been put there by an attention seeking idiot.
Yet another clown.

Comment by: Susan on 2nd April 2019 at 17:33

Tommy T,I can assure you,Mick Byrne is the attention seeking idiot make no mistake about that.

Comment by: Xpat on 2nd April 2019 at 19:21

Get your post Mick , not your bike? What are you trying to say ? Is this your own personal objection? If this is the case , then isn’t this what graffiti is in all its forms ? Young people trying to announce their own identity, saying I was here . Did we not do the same ? Did you never carve your name on a tree , I did . What is the difference? Thanks for the post Mick

Comment by: joe on 2nd April 2019 at 19:51

tommyT so has the bike.

Comment by: Lynne on 3rd April 2019 at 11:47

Graffiti is vandalism and it generally leads to more anti-social behaviour.

Would the "artist" like it if someone daubed paint all over his or her house walls?

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