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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 6th January, 2019)

Decorated for Christmas

Decorated for Christmas
Beside the refurbished path along the mineral line at Standish .

Photo: David Long  (Apple iPhone)
Views: 2,829

Comment by: Poet on 6th January 2019 at 07:44

This photograph will be valuable social history 200 years hence. What will our descendants make of us? Laugh. Show pity . Perhaps think we were a bit mad?. Or will they have learned by then the stupidity of packing too many people into too small a space ?

Comment by: JJP on 6th January 2019 at 07:53

At least people are using the bin and not just decorating trees with the bags!. Perhaps the council could organise more collections judging by the overflow - - they are needed.

Comment by: Veronica on 6th January 2019 at 09:59

Have they not got the sense to take the bags to another bin when they can see a bin full?
Or take it home - perhaps they don't want the contents in their own bins - oh no that wouldn't do - let somebody else deal with it!
Disgusting folk!

Comment by: Gary on 6th January 2019 at 11:35

Much the same in my part of the north. Refurbished sea front, more dog walkers, too few bins not emptied fast enough.
Down in Co Durham, five huge hangar type sheds full of "re cycled" newspaper. No money in it, no one wants it. For almost ten years, a fire risk.
As for the re cycling at the local Sainsbury - needs to be cleared every two days, not weekly. But doing that makes the cost prohibitive.

Comment by: Poet on 6th January 2019 at 14:11

I find dog walkers a strange bunch.
When the rest of the nation is trying to cut out plastic bags these muffs fill them with muck and put them on display.
Strange too when you meet with one how they start talking to the dog to avoid any social interaction.

Comment by: Mick on 6th January 2019 at 18:36

Dog owners and cat owners are strange.

I can see a bag whats looks like a black beaked whited headed gull.

Comment by: irene roberts on 6th January 2019 at 20:14

My dogs are gone now, Poet, but I'm sure you would rather I cleaned up behind them with a plastic bag, (paper is no use in the case of dog-poo), than leave it there on the ground for you to step into. And I exchanged many a pleasant greeting from passers-by when I had my dogs.

Comment by: Ken R on 6th January 2019 at 20:15

Poet, you are stating, too small a space, too many people. WHAT are you suggesting , the space is fixed the populace is surging??? would anyone care to finish this sentence.

Comment by: Poet on 7th January 2019 at 08:38

Irene, I'm sure you did a splendid job and you are clearly a charming and affable person, but if
this is an example of other dog walkers clearing up after themselves then they are probably not worth talking to anyway.
Ken, I don't think we need resort to a Logan's Run style solution just yet but the bin is the tip of the Malthusian iceberg.. soon to disappear under a pyramid of vileness as monkey see monkey do people ,relieved of their responsibility to take these hideous parcels home, defile the land.

Comment by: kath on 7th January 2019 at 08:44

Admiration for the whoever is willing to clear up this mess for a living. No doubt minimum wage.

Comment by: Pw on 7th January 2019 at 16:32

I live near a bin like this,disgusting! Dog owners please take your dog crap home but they are too lazy.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th January 2019 at 17:34

It could be worse though- at least they are using bags. I still come across dog dirt now and again and it is absolutely revolting. More people are using the bags now than previously. Sometimes I stand at my window watching to see if dog walkers clear up after their dogs - a bit like Thora Hird tweaking the net curtains! (Must be getting old!)

Comment by: DTease on 7th January 2019 at 20:15

Looking through my upstairs window the other day I saw a young woman with a little dog on a lead coming down the path that runs by my house. As the dog reached my house he stopped to do his "Business". After he had finished he was so pleased with himself that he ran round his mistress thereby entangling her with his lead. Twirling around to extricate herself she literally managed to "Put her foot in it".
I won't repeat what she said to the dog as she walked off scraping her foot but I bet he didn't get a bone with his dinner that day.

Comment by: dog lover on 8th January 2019 at 11:07

The sign on the bin reads any bin will do.

Comment by: Veronica on 8th January 2019 at 13:07

There's a chap who isn't young,walks a big Alsation and lets it dump it's load anywhere. I have tried to find out who he is and followed him on one occasion so I can report him. I'm not brave enough to challenge him with a dog the size it is -plus I know I would get verbal abuse if I did. Wouldn't you think a man of the older generation would know better. A while ago the dog did it's business in front of someone's garden gate and he cheerfully carried on walking - I'm sure he does it on purpose. I just wish some man would tackle him! But then again it is a big Alsation!

Comment by: Poet on 8th January 2019 at 14:20

I've just had a pleasant meander around Beech Walk and guess what I found by the carved bench near the Hermitage...?
Yep, by the dozen. All nicely wrapped and preserved in a colourful pile. No bin. Just an unofficial dumping ground for turdage. Frankly, I'm beginning to despise these people.

Comment by: Ken R on 8th January 2019 at 19:36

It would appear that the dog owners/walkers are doing what is being asked of them, they are bagging the poo. They are doing as requested by the Council, any bin. So should there be more bins or bigger bins or more frequent collections. I think a study should be taken to try to reduce the problems, find the hot spots and expand.

Comment by: Veronica on 9th January 2019 at 15:27

Some responsible people do clean up after the dog and some obnoxious people DON'T
KenR! ( sad to say)

Comment by: Ex Pat on 9th January 2019 at 18:50

Same in London my fellow Wigganers.
As you will be aware , there are extremely exclusive areas in London and the others areas . Of course , the picture above , would never even dream of showing it’s face in the former , goodness !! But the outer areas ,
It’s just the same as Wigan , believe me .
The Class system is alive and more vibrant than it has ever been . Power to the people ,
God Bless to all my fellow Wigganers.
I never will forget my roots and the town that
made me who I am.

Comment by: Ken R on 11th January 2019 at 17:46

Poet, I live in Canada and we have the same doggie problems as Wigan. I have seen hot spots where it seems there is too much rubbish and not enough space to put it. Here some of the hot spot bins have been replaced with an underground refuse container approx. these containers are about six feet in diameter and about six to eight feet long, all of this is below ground and only a normal looking bin is at ground level, they have never overflowed yet, they do have to use a single operator and a special vehicle to empty them.

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