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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 26th November, 2018)

Sound of brass

Sound of brass
Stable yard, Haigh Hall.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Ricoh Caplio)
Views: 2,760

Comment by: Mick on 26th November 2018 at 10:02

Yesterday for the Christmas tree light switch on it was Old Hall Brass


Comment by: Helen of Troy on 26th November 2018 at 10:50

Nothing like the sound of a Brass Band, just wonderful.
I remember going to a place, Uppermill had a canal (?) one Christmas & a band came into the pub & then paraded up the street, made my hair tingle !

Comment by: Philip G. on 26th November 2018 at 11:45

I like the scene Ron - nice tempo.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th November 2018 at 12:45

Quite cosmopolitan for a change!

Comment by: TommyT on 26th November 2018 at 13:01

Helen, Uppermill is where they filmed the brass bands in the street for film Brassed Off.

Comment by: Gary on 26th November 2018 at 13:09

Anyone remember Haigh Prize Band? Or the original Wingates Temperance Band?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 26th November 2018 at 15:27

Pleasant photo, Ron.

Nice to see the place packed.

What a pity P.A.D. cannot include the sound.

Well done.

Comment by: Ken R on 26th November 2018 at 16:07

Yes Gary Haigh Brass and Wingates Temp, I had an uncle with the name of Birkett and there was a lot of Birketts, many of these were members of Haigh Brass, at times it was called Birketts Brass.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 26th November 2018 at 18:56

Good pic of an unusual scene.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 26th November 2018 at 18:59

Thanks TommyT...it was wonderful, the experience & the film !

Comment by: irene roberts on 26th November 2018 at 19:06

Helen, Tommy T beat me to it in telling you that Uppermill is where they filmed Brassed Off. They also filmed part of "Yanks" there and is where the 1940s "Yanks are back in Saddleworth" 1940s event is held every year, and yes, there is a canal. Do you remember the brass bands on Walking Day in all areas of Wigan, Helen? They always brought a tear to my eye, even when I was a little girl, and I loved The Boys' Brigade with their trumpets and drums. xxx

Comment by: Gary on 26th November 2018 at 22:02

KenR - I had distant relatives involved with both bands. I think Wingates were Crystal Palace Trophy winners between the wars.
I can remember listening to Haigh on the radio aged about ten) around 1960 when they won a national competition.
Irene - the brass bands at Aspull St Elizabeth's walking day were fantastic.
Mind you, the bandsmen were first into the Hare & Hounds afterwards.

Comment by: irene roberts on 26th November 2018 at 22:53

And why not, Gary? They deserved it, marching past the pubs where the men stood outside clutching pints of beer,"watchin' t'scholars" as they used to say. I remember The Hare and Hounds, Gary, although I think I only went in once. xx

Comment by: Veronica on 27th November 2018 at 08:36

And if the Boy's Brigade from St Catharine's wasn't marching on Sunday's there was always the Salvation Army clashing their cymbals! I loved the poker bonnets that the ladies wore. They used to stand in the middle of the 'cart' road on the cobbles at the top of our street singing with great gusto! Pity them who were having a 'lie in'....

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