Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 13th November, 2018)

Photo: David Long (Sony RX10)
Very clever.
Nice pic, Rev.
When ever I go past these hands they never look like proper workmens hands to me,
The hands of friendship - very symbolic....
They are symbolic hands Mick !
Very nice they are too, a good image.
That is good, great picture too.
love it!
I never knew this existed. Well done to the carver of this. Stunning!
Lovely art work.
Very good and symbolic, reminds me of the Foyle Bridge in Derry where a sculpture reaches out to both sides of the divide.
Yes I can see that they are symbolic hands Helen, but the statues that they put at Wigan pier are true to Wigan life, especially the ugly women with her arms folded
I spent ages posing for the sculptor for that one at Wigan Pier, Mick! Glad you like it. xxx
Nice one, Irene..
There's me thinking somebody dragged Mick off his bike and put a shawl round his neck and tied him to a pole!
Irene you should have wore your old fashioned hat when you posed I didnt recognize you in a head scarf, Ill have a closer look next time Im passing it.
Will do, Mick....I suit the forties hats better than a headscarf! Stop and say hello and we'll have a forties chat, love! I'll say "ITMA", (It's That Man Again), we'll have a gossip "Over The Garden Wall", and then we'll say "TTFN", (Ta Ta For Now). I was only born in '52 but love those forties sayings, and isn't it nice to have a laugh, Mick? TTFN, love! xxx
I assume that this is carved out of a single lump of timber.