Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 4th November, 2018)
Mirror Industry

Photo: Steve Carter (Panasonic Lumix DMC-SZ3 )
If you tilt you head sideways it looks like Blackpool Tower
For a moment I thought, that water is very low till I realised it was the reflection of the bank....good image.
Great photo Mick have you been on the pop again if that looks like Blackpool tower I am a Dutch man .
Another good un.
I can see what Mick means about standing at the foot of a tower and looking up. Viewing on my ipad it is easy to turn the screen in order to view portrait aspect.
You watch the road ahead Mick. You're quite right, though.
Anne you are lucky to be able to do it on your ipad because Ive got a stiff neck now.
I worked in one of those buildings for a while. Came in one morning and we found a bin full of rats. The foolish creatures had got in the bin for the scraps from the canteen and then found that they couldn't get out.
What would YOU do with a bin full of rats?
Excellent photograph,and I agree with Mick and Anne.Well done Steve.
Lately a series of good photos.Could that be the old Walker bros/ Walmsleys building going back to the sixties and seventies
Throw them in the canal in the bin Dtease with a big stone in it?? Just guessing - because I would have run a mile!
Sell them to a dodgy restaurant ...............possibly a far eastern one.
Excellent pic. I wonder what the percentage is of shots that feature the canal on PAD? 75%? No matter, keep 'em coming.
"What would YOU do with a bin full of rats?"....
Send them to Old Trafford as supporters..........Ha...
Sorreeeeeeeeeeeeee....ha ha
DTease, some folks would fill the bin with water whilst others would take the bin outside and let them run free.
I've seen someone who tried to kill a rat in a bin with a sweeping brush and he missed it, in a flash the rat ran up the handle and up his arm, then over his shoulder and away to live another day.
What actually happened was that two lads with more moral fibre than yours truly carried the bin outside and kicked it over, whereupon six or seven very scared rats shot off in each and every direction.
I only hope that after surviving this ordeal none of them met up with Veronica who would, it seems have subjected them to a ceremonial drowning in the canal accompanied by a large stone! Or even Fred Mason who would have provided them with an even worse fate.
Still plenty of Rats along the canal, these are living in Martland Mill
Well they would only come back later and bring all their family with 'um Dtease. Gives me the creeps thinking of rats! To think there's thousands of them not too far away from us all. Humans never learn - especially the idiots who drop food all over the place. It would serve them right if a rat jumped up and bit them on the backside ! Having said that I would not like to come across one!
DTease, Lunch!! What you think Mick.
I agree with Mick. It does resemble BP Tower. Well spotted, Mick!
The building is now occupied by European Tubes. I worked there for Twelve years until I retired at the end of August.