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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 30th October, 2018)


Bakery on Cale Lane being cleared for a housing estate.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 3,156

Comment by: derek Platt on 30th October 2018 at 00:11

Oh no! it wasn't Rathbones was it. That was the best bread back in the day.

Comment by: Dave K on 30th October 2018 at 01:55

About '64 it was Bakers Boy or Harveys

Comment by: Mick on 30th October 2018 at 05:58

I used to always get a smell of the bread being baked as I peddled past top lock.

Comment by: Fred Foster on 30th October 2018 at 07:35

Edna and I went there for a visit when it was first opened. A friend of ours, Joe Lowe was company secretary there. It was around 1956. We got a tin plate with J&T Harvey on it as a souvenir

Comment by: irene roberts on 30th October 2018 at 08:00

I remember it being Harvey's.

Comment by: LizzieLocket on 30th October 2018 at 09:04

I remember the rhyme 'Rathbones bread tastes like lead, when you eat it, you drop down dead' Death by sandwich!

Comment by: PeterP on 30th October 2018 at 09:06

Derek Rathbones was on the right hand side near Skew bridge just before the Saddle Junction and now has houses built on it.

Comment by: Alb on 30th October 2018 at 11:37

More and more of what was once ours is going, replaced by yet more Wimpey Jerry built houses (or these days usually cut and paste apartments) full of hundreds of houses so small you couldn't swing a cat in. No doubt this will create more traffic problems. We need more open spaces and less houses. Alot of land in the area I supposed to be greenbelt asceell, yet despite campaigns and banners saying "Save our greenbelt", they just go ahead and build on it as they please; look what's happening in Bryn now where they are building new homes, I thought they were trying to stop it?.

Just remember if your home got in the way of a planned road or motorway, they could easily demolish it and there's nothing you could do about it. They either pay you off handsomly, or they use violence if you don't comply.

Comment by: britboy on 30th October 2018 at 13:41

Went past this place daily when I worked at NCB kirkless workshops...some great bread baking aromas

Comment by: Michael Gormally on 30th October 2018 at 16:24

Remembered from my childhood:

"Eat Hall's bread,
S**t like lead,
F**t like thunder,
No bloody wonder.
Hall's delightful bread!"

Comment by: Janette on 30th October 2018 at 17:55

I don't think you can complain about building on brown field sites,it's far better than building on green belt areas.

Comment by: Garry on 30th October 2018 at 18:57

I remember Harvey's "red seal" bread. Sad it's gone!

Comment by: Elizabeth on 30th October 2018 at 19:53

Remember absolutely lovely bread-baking smells coming over from New Springs bakery over Hindley Hall golf course.

Comment by: John D on 30th October 2018 at 20:17

I remember the bakery being built. After the war the site was a scrapyard full of ex army junk. As kids we used to sneak in and rummage about. Some of the stuff was actually dangerous. It was known locally as the rubber dump.

Comment by: Steve on 30th October 2018 at 21:24

Like you Britboy I passed the bakery daily going to Kirkless workshops. Well after you I imagine !

Comment by: Anne on 30th October 2018 at 21:52

I remember on the way to school when Harvey's was in Harvey street Lower Ince the lovely aroma would surround me about half way along Winifred Street until slowly fading on reaching school at the top of Harvey street.

Comment by: Dorothy on 31st October 2018 at 12:19

I was one of many people using Cale Lane daily, I was an office worker at the N.C.B way back in the 80's , the smell of baking bread, lovely!

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