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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 20th August, 2018)

New Rails

New Rails
New Rails at the Pier.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic TZ100)
Views: 2,908

Comment by: Ken Rooocroft@rogers.com on 20th August 2018 at 03:47

Rev Long. Pleases contact me ASAP I have an urgent request, thank you.

Comment by: Poet on 20th August 2018 at 09:54


From these iron rails,
Laden with Anthracite,
In their quest for power and might,
The Argonauts sailed.

Comment by: From Where on 20th August 2018 at 16:07

Colonialists that we were ,
Was Drake a trader dread
then why do millions still come here ,
To sleep in the one same bed .

We can never hide from slavery ,
the ships that left our ports ,
and carried on them humans
Shackled upon their throats .

So why do people still pour here
from every foreign land ,
We are the ones who hurt you ,
Our history cut deep within your hand .

The Indians say we raped them , and took the land that’s theirs , yet when they got their
freedom , held on to British wears

We British are not perfect , the English even less ,
But it’s how we have changed our history , stands out above the rest .

So before you do condemn us , for what we did to you ,
Ask yourself ‘Why am I here ‘.
Then look into the mirror called true ..

Comment by: Poet on 20th August 2018 at 20:14

The English working class were among the most oppressed people in history. My ancestors persecuted no one.

Comment by: DTease on 20th August 2018 at 21:50

When the British Empire was at its height the treatment of the poor in this country was as bad, if not worse than anywhere else in the Empire.
When India gained independence one of the first things they did was begin manufacturing their own cloth. Before independence, they were only allowed to buy cloth from Britain. The loss of that captive market brought about the end for King Cotton in this country.

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