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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 10th August, 2018)


Huskies at Kirklees Arms.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic TZ100)
Views: 3,098

Comment by: Mick on 10th August 2018 at 08:39

I counted 32 dogs pulling there owners under the bridge on this video.


Comment by: DTease on 10th August 2018 at 08:42

When wandering in the leafy woods
The rambler often sees
The remains of Fido's dinner
Swinging in the trees

Comment by: Poet on 10th August 2018 at 10:08

Woof Woof DTease and well expressed. This activity is bordering on mental illness.

Comment by: Alan on 10th August 2018 at 11:21

Bow wow.

Comment by: Philip G. on 10th August 2018 at 13:08

I faced this breed upon my lawn, not many years' ago
It held its nerve as I did mine, then scorned 'Please, doggy go!'.

So armed with 'Innes, compost clean, my pansies all but fed
I gently threw it all-around, that walleyed husky's dread.

It bolted clear - like Frankel wild -, its menace fairly cussed
And then I filled the feeders, high, returning 'finches puffed.

Comment by: Local on 10th August 2018 at 14:47

Kirkless Hall Inn. Mick.

Comment by: Poet on 10th August 2018 at 17:33

A brief moment beautifully told Philip.
I think everyone's experienced such an encounter, mine most recently with a bull on the banks of the Lune.

Comment by: Philip G. on 10th August 2018 at 19:31

Stymied by a bull on the banks of the Lune, Poet! By Jove, ... can I press you for a brief resume, please?

Comment by: Poet on 10th August 2018 at 21:41

Now from a distance Philip,a bull looks much like a cow and walkers on the riverside path near Hornby are generally not too disconcerted to see one obstructing the approaching stile.
Of course as reality dawns and Daisy slowly morphs into Atilla the Killer a chaps resolve can become tested.
I must confess a chilly terror rooted me to the spot. Yet there was no way back because I felt a sudden retreat would bring the beast charging toward me. With more fear than courage I bellowed a rebel yell and mercifully Atilla bolted enough to allow me to flit over the stile.
I confess I've never felt such relief. Walkers beware!

Comment by: Philip G. on 11th August 2018 at 07:52

Intrepid Poet, absolutely intrepid!
And if your predicament had been captured on film I would have seen to it personally that Butterworth's 'Banks of Green Willow - with footage of the shimmering Lune, and flickering woodland canopies -, would have been included, in exaltation of your said stance, and continued journey. Thanks.

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