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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 27th June, 2018)

Route 55

Route 55
National Cycle Route 55 in Ince.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic TZ100)
Views: 3,017

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 00:12

There seems to be a primative urge in man going back thousands of years to make paintings on walls. I wonder why?
We chastise people for doing it now but are they a nuisance, or are they just following a natural instinct?

Comment by: Poet on 27th June 2018 at 07:24

Good question DTease and something quite troglodyte about this picture too.
Most art forms have degenerated in recent times however be it painting , literature or especially music.

Comment by: Mick on 27th June 2018 at 08:19

Paintings on walls are not so bad, but after the artist have finished they always smash there pop bottle on the ground, making these cave like tunnels a nightmare for traveling men on there push bikes.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th June 2018 at 09:05

Theres no excuse for Graffiti these days .. It's downright ugly. I do believe there is an urge to make marks in us all. The cave dwellers were attempting to decorate their surroundings - probably by the light of fires during long winter evenings. Graffiti 'artists' are just bored. It's the spray paint which makes it worse and difficult to remove.

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 09:07

Poet, I would certainly agree with you about today's music, or screeching as I call it.

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 09:29

Mick, with all this good weather we are having you must be having a great time with your bike. Do you always stay local or do you sometimes go further a-field?

Comment by: PeterP on 27th June 2018 at 10:30

Three young men KILLED last week for the sake of their art.

Comment by: carl on 27th June 2018 at 11:48

Tunnel vision photo.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 27th June 2018 at 12:53

Veronica says it all.

It maybe sub-art in some peoples eyes but when it comes down to it, its vandalism.

Worth dying for...I think not.

Comment by: Mick on 27th June 2018 at 12:54

DTease Ive been all over the show, when I got my free bus and train pass I caught trains as far as I could then peddled back along the canals

Rode Southport to Warrington along the Transpennine way, and Warrington to Stockport


Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 16:03

Veronica/Helen of Troy, what I had in mind when I posed the question was Banksy. Would you consider Banksy to be a Vandal or an Artist?

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 16:07

Mick, I very often travel the trains with my Bus Pass. I’ll keep an eye out for your bike!

Comment by: Veronica on 27th June 2018 at 19:07

Dtease - Banksy has a phenomenal talent but uses it in the wrong places to get his messages across I think! I wouldn't like it if he came in the dead of night and sprayed my house wall no matter how wonderful his art work was. It's a different matter if he has permission - why does he do it in secret? He knows it's wrong to deface property that doesn't belong to him. Anyway I'm sure he can afford massive canvas's. Or at least there must be many individuals who wouldn't mind him spraying their walls....

Comment by: Elizabeth on 27th June 2018 at 21:15

I agree with Veronica and Helen. Graffiti is lauded in Barcelona,but I believed it just made the areas look messy and scruffy.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th June 2018 at 21:41

There's even graffiti on the ancient ruins in Rome - which to me is pure selfishness. You can see it in Athens all over the place and the ugly modern wall surrounding Jerusalem which makes it appear even uglier still.....I only wish that spray paint could be banned because I'm sure the culprits wouldn't have the courage or talent to go out with a brush and can of paint! in other words it's pure vandalism and in some cases artistic vandalism.

Comment by: Poet on 27th June 2018 at 21:42

Walls are not blank canvases. They were created by craftsmen. Do not defile another artist's work.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 27th June 2018 at 21:59

Well, if Banksy feels inclined to come to Wigan and spray my van in the dead of night, then he's more than welcome to do so, as, to be honest, the paintwork's looking a bit tired at the moment. And not only that, the graffiti would be worth far more than the van.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th June 2018 at 22:23

A few years ago I went into the Catacombs in Rome and saw another kind of mark on the ancient walls. Interestingly I found the names 'gouged' into the rock quite moving as they were centuries old and belonged to people who had hidden there from persecution. Other names which were found in the tunnels from WW1 of soldiers who had made their mark as well - when you contrast those with the graffiti of today there's no comparison.

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 23:17

I don't have a dog in this fight, I just find it interesting that Banksy sprays on a wall and we are told that it's artwork worth thousands while someone else sprays on a wall and gets an ASBO. Where's the logic? Is Banksy an artist or a vandal? Or is he both at the same time?

Comment by: Glass half full on 27th June 2018 at 23:23

Higher or Lower?

Comment by: Veronica on 27th June 2018 at 23:28

Well I wouldn't complain if he sprayed my old shed- in fact I would be sublimely happy! And my bike at a pinch! Hope the Pericles are ok by the way Oozy!

Comment by: DTease on 27th June 2018 at 23:48

I don't have a dog in this fight, I just find it interesting that Banksy sprays on a wall and we are told that it's artwork worth thousands while someone else sprays on a wall and gets an ASBO. Where's the logic? Is Banksy an artist or a vandal? Or is he both at the same time?

Comment by: Veronica on 28th June 2018 at 00:16

Its a bit pointless to me spraying a brick wall and can't see it being worth thousands. It can't be removed to sell. A bit like all the artwork on the walls of the Vatican which are priceless. The same with the highly decorated Cathedrals and Basilicas - but at least the paintings are inside - and were commissioned.

Comment by: DTease on 28th June 2018 at 06:17

Perhaps Banksy could come and spray your Pericles for you Oozy? A nice shade of luminous yellow maybe?

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 28th June 2018 at 08:15

Blimey, don't you lot ever go to bed or what?, and I'm perfectly content with the colour of my Pericles without any intervention by Banksy thank you. As it happens, the recent sunny weather appears to have caused some slight discolouration, but I'm still quite happy with an attractive shade of copper/bronze.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 28th June 2018 at 15:26

Banksys art not any better than other artists, its because no one supposedly knows who he is & where he will pop up next...oh, the mystery & excitment of it all. Its the art intellectuals who have made his graffiti worth the all the money its supposedly worth.

Comment by: DTease on 28th June 2018 at 19:15

So, the general consensus seems to be that Banksy is more of a vandal than he is an artist but if he cares to spray Veronica's shed or titivate Ozy's van we'll let him off and put a hold on the ASBO.

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