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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 8th June, 2018)

Walled gardens

Walled gardens
Haigh Hall.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Olympus camedia)
Views: 2,792

Comment by: DTease on 8th June 2018 at 00:22

A seat in a garden shaded by trees
Surrounded by flowers and the buzzing of bees.

Comment by: Maureen on 8th June 2018 at 06:46

You've done it again Ron..that's a beautiful shot..you've certainly got an eye for pretty scenes.

Comment by: Poet on 8th June 2018 at 07:43

Those benches look perfect for slumbering on a hot day. The scene puts me in mind of the gardener snoozing on the cover of Genesis' 'Selling England By the Pound' LP.

Comment by: Kath H on 8th June 2018 at 08:17

Lovely photo and this is a beautiful and peaceful spot, was in there yesterday.

Comment by: Julie on 8th June 2018 at 08:41

Thanks Ron a lovely picture of my favourite place.

Comment by: kath on 8th June 2018 at 08:53

A typical English park from days gone by before they knocked all th eperimeter walls down and people felt safe. That was my first thought

Comment by: Johnny on 8th June 2018 at 09:05

A seat is a place
Where a vagrant can snooze
Falling asleep
Holding a can of booze!

Comment by: Gary on 8th June 2018 at 09:11

Bonny dog.

Comment by: Dave on 8th June 2018 at 11:03

I know what I like and I like what I know...

Comment by: MarieM on 8th June 2018 at 12:37

A beautiful photo again Ron. Thanks.

Comment by: Poet on 8th June 2018 at 13:38

Keep your mowing blades sharp Dave.

Comment by: Poet on 8th June 2018 at 14:42

Amateur Psychology.

Seek you healing from the sounds and harms
Of mobile phones and car alarms?
From cretinous music and sounding horns
That assault your soul like scourging thorns
Of barbed wire eardrops! And the grating trill of the
Satanic Scooter's piercing drill___
Plus horrors far too gross to mention
Than the infernal stench
Of the internal combustion engine?
Then relax, my friends,for hope is dawning,
But firstly folks a word of warning
That I am just a simple man
Without learning of psychological plans,
No expert analysis l have to offer.
No, Me! ' I'm just a lawn mower'.
But I do prescribe a trip to Haigh Hall,
To sit on a bench behind a wall
Away from all those dreaded pests
Amongst flowers and bees like DTease suggests.
Thus dipped in the sanctuous sea of the mind
Walled from turmoil, may you find
Here,solace from the screaming throng
Amidst the fluting Thrushes songs,
So seated from their modern hell,
I hope my friends __ it fares ye well.

Comment by: Irene roberts on 8th June 2018 at 15:01

The walled garden creeps into my dreams sometimes.

Comment by: Par on 8th June 2018 at 16:20

A tranquil and beautiful garden scene, thank you David.

As always Poet, you are pictorial in your poems. Lovely. I wish I could take a photograph like this and then describe it in such poetic words. You’re both very gifted.

Comment by: Mick on 8th June 2018 at 16:59

A black loose dog on the grass a nightmare for bike riders

Comment by: Howard P on 8th June 2018 at 17:06

I suspect if you can't beat um join um.

Comment by: Dave on 8th June 2018 at 17:21


Comment by: DTease on 8th June 2018 at 17:55

I agree with Par, in fact you could say I am on a par with Par (cue groans from off).

Comment by: Par on 8th June 2018 at 18:27

A tranquil and beautiful garden scene, thank you David.

As always Poet, you are pictorial in your poems. Lovely. I wish I could take a photograph like this and then describe it in such poetic words. You’re both very gifted.

Comment by: Pat McC on 8th June 2018 at 20:54

DTease - pressed the send button before I finished typing my name, not ‘Par’ but Pat as above.

Appreciated your clever comment though. Don’t know how my Post was sent twice with a couple of hours’ delay in between.

Comment by: Maureen on 8th June 2018 at 22:09

Pat,re your post coming on twice..mines always doing it..I wouldn't worry,it's a bit of a laugh with everybody now.

Comment by: DTease on 8th June 2018 at 23:04

Maureen has had us waiting for the “second coming” for a long time now.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 20th June 2018 at 10:22

My favourite part of Haigh Hall.

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