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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 25th October, 2017)

Top of town

Top of town

Photo: Jane  (iPhone 6s)
Views: 3,025

Comment by: Ken R on 25th October 2017 at 03:25

Nice photo, Not many shoppers around, do they still have half day closing ?

Comment by: PeterP on 25th October 2017 at 08:01

The window sign says it all(closing down). The empty streets of Wigan.

Comment by: Mick on 25th October 2017 at 08:36

Peter P if you and plenty others like got off your bums and shopped in Wigan town centre instead of ASDA non of the town shops would be closing down.

Comment by: Julie on 25th October 2017 at 09:24

Its changed wigan over the years, it used to be a good town to shop in.Now thers hardly any shops what has happened!

Comment by: A.W. on 25th October 2017 at 09:41

Trouble about shopping in the town centre nowadays there are few places to buy food. There's B&M, Heron, Home & Bargain and what's left of the market. It's almost impossible to do a full shop. Around 30 years ago there was Morrison's, Co-op, Tesco and Lennon's all in the town centre, market was buzzing and smaller shops selling stuff as well.

Comment by: Alan H on 25th October 2017 at 09:45

Litter on the floor not five yards from a bin.

Comment by: Sam h on 25th October 2017 at 09:56

Julie, I think the answer is retail parks and supermarkets.gone are they days sadly when our generation and our parents went on the bus into town to shop for everything,the majority of mothers work today and it's so convenient to jump in the car and do there shopping under one roof,plus there's the free parking ,sad times Julie but nevertheless that's the way things are today.

Comment by: PeterP on 25th October 2017 at 10:14

Mick I take my missus to Wigan about once a week that's enough. Not exactly level for pushing a wheelchair. Also with having a car we go anywhere we fancy yesterday St Helens today Leigh, Tomorrow who knows Ormskirk Market.Gone are the days of going to Wigan to do a daily shop. Like you have said get most things under one roof and free parking for every one

Comment by: Anne on 25th October 2017 at 10:47

Town centres have had their day for full family shopping. Think about it. First find a parking place, pay for it, then several trips to the parked car with as much as one can carry, or several bus trips. That's if everything can be found. Can't be compared to convenient supermarket shopping. Last time I visited was the beginning of March for foreign currency. Don't miss the town centre shops one little bit.

Comment by: Maureen on 25th October 2017 at 12:39

I was brought up not far from Wigan town centre,it was very dear to me in more ways than one..nowadays it does nothing for me at all...it has no soul somehow..I can't even find a decent shoe shop,tried M+S.all shoes made in China..I just don't enjoy going to town at all now..if you look at photos from the 50s say,it was thriving..Bolton Market hall was renovated at a third of the price that it cost to completely demolish ours..even that seems to be soulless..it does nothing for me..and I don't think I'm on my own.

Comment by: Cyril on 25th October 2017 at 13:29

There's no shoppers around Ken because there aren't any proper shops, so no need for half day closing, though there are plenty coffee shops, they cater for the asylum seekers and illegal immigrants who pass the time of day drinking coffee and smoking strongly aromatic cigarettes whilst jabbering away into mobile phones in their mother country tongues.

And when exactly was the last time you did a big shop in Wigan town centre Mick, tomorrow for your big shop you'll be going to Bolton and Bury markets and calling at ASDA on the way back.

Comment by: DTease on 25th October 2017 at 13:42

Wigan's life as a shopping center is surely over. Would it not be better to accept the fact rather that carry on financing a revival that will never happen?

Comment by: Veronica on 25th October 2017 at 15:51

Although I come to Wigan about twice a week -it's not to do a full shop. I can buy most things where I live but I do feel the need to come for the ride and buy bits and just browse and go for a coffee in my favourite place. Wigan is in my bones and I would miss coming if I didn't come. I don't think there are any town centres where you can buy everything you need these days.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 25th October 2017 at 17:38

Oddly enough, shopping in Wigan would appear still to be the option of choice for many. Only this very morning I witnessed a lady of unknown nationality, but certainly not English, shopping in M&S, only to be apprehended on leaving the store by several burly security officers. No doubt when the dust has settled and she's been let off with a caution, she'll switch her allegiance to Bolton, or Warrington. Another valued customer lost.

Comment by: Mb on 25th October 2017 at 18:15

More of the typical ignorant comments about illegal immigrants and asylum seekers as if they are demon of all our problems when really it's the bankers and Royal family who are the biggest parasites stealing our money. I doubt they would be sitting in Costa if they were illegal, and if people have an issue with immigrants in general taking everything we have in the UK then that goes for the ex Pat Wiganers (ie immigrants) who moved into foreign lands years ago. Kind of the pot calling the kettle black there I think. And besides, the influx of migrants is no accident but deliberate.

Comment by: MikeW on 25th October 2017 at 19:11

The growth in online shopping and the conveniences and savings it presents is a huge factor in the decline of town center shopping.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 25th October 2017 at 19:25

Don't forget the politicians Mb, at whatever level and of whichever persuasion. If we're shifting the debate to parasites here, let's please not exclude the politicians.

Comment by: Poet on 25th October 2017 at 20:23

Let's not forget the lawyers mb/Oz.
The first principle of the law is to make business for its self is it not?

Comment by: DTease on 25th October 2017 at 21:17

Don't worry Ozy, they're going to get rid of 50 or 60 MPs. At least that's what they've been recommended to do. Does anyone think they will actually do it?

Comment by: DTease on 25th October 2017 at 21:27

Plastic men in plastic suits
With plastic brains and plastic looks
Saying this and saying that
Doing nowt while getting fat
They steal your money and hide it away
In a dodgy Bank for a rainy day
And if they're caught they lie and lie
And hope the public doesn't ask why
They cannot manage on what they've got
Lord put them in Jail and let them rot.

Comment by: Ellen on 25th October 2017 at 21:41

As one of those who "moved into foreign lands years ago"(51 years, to be exact),I take issue with Mb's comment. We moved for personal reasons which I do not choose to include here.We both had stable employment in England so that was not an issue. We both had jobs within a short time,(mine lasted for twenty years, somewhat longer than that marriage!) What I am getting at is that parasitism was no factor in the matter of migration! This,I find is common to the experience of most of the migrants I have known, whether in England or my chosen country of Canada. I continue to miss "my" England,even after 51 years, but find my present way of life here much more to my taste. Here endeth my rant!!

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 25th October 2017 at 23:23

Thanks for reminding me poet, that shower of toe rags had completely slipped my mind, the lawyers, solicitors and barristers. They deserve to be top of the list actually. But fortunately, I have a solution for that lot. The USAF used it quite frequently in Vietnam, Its called Napalm..... Good poem DTease and what's more, accurate to boot. If ever you feel inclined to put your name forward for election, you can rely on my vote at least.

Respect to you both. Ozy.

Comment by: A.W. on 26th October 2017 at 10:58

Ozymandias, I was in M&S yesterday morning and I saw something going on, a burly security bloke stood near the main Standishgate door on a radio to a colleague, they seemed to be tracking somebody's movments then.

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