Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 24th August, 2017)
As popular as ever

Photo: John Morris (Nikon D700 with 24-85mm lens.)
Nice to see children playing normal games.... But they are still young yet! Lovely picture.
That's why their called children!!
You don't say !!!
Ps its 'they're' not 'their' !
I can 'nit pick' too Al !
Just a little correction.
Good remark Veronica, I always like to improve my grammar.
I like that photo, me
We all make mistakes Alan re spelling and grammar, myself included. I never relish pointing out other's mistakes but you seem to thrive on commenting on other people's comments instead of saying something original about the photograph which is all that is necessary really. Instead of 'correcting' :my well intentioned observation say something nice instead! You have made two comments without mentioning the photo! Apologies to John.
When it comes to spelling corrections, I would be inclined to exercise caution if I were you Veronica, as this kind of innocuous activity can often be perceived as being patronising in the extreme, and may cause unintended offence to certain individuals.
I trust you didn't get anything fast in anything during your recent visit to the seaside by the way?. Or leave your bucket and spade on the tram?
Regards. Ozy.
Not really nit picking, Veronica, but it should be"it's" not"its". Sorry, just having a bit of fun.
A lovely photo! My grandchildren Edie and Oliver have all the "mod cons"; "I-pads", "tablets" etc. but I am so proud that they much prefer to "play out" if they can.....riding bikes, making dens, hide-and-seek etc. The "mod cons" take second place every time, I'm glad to say, AND they love to read too. It is a joy to see the children on the photo simply "playing" as WE did. I wish them a happy, carefree childhood.
'Touche' JohnD!
Didn't get the head fast Ozy I may have 'lost' it for a few hours in the 40's.
Irene you understood as always!
Irene's spot on on. Games played by boys and girls- hopscotch, hide and seek tig or tag, cowboys and indians etc. All game played in the streets where kids could seen... and just before dark, mam and dad shouting their kids name to come in for bath, bed and school, and it all cost nothing to have simple fun and games.
I agree with Veronica. Besides, if the computer is set-up correctly, it alerts the user of any spelling errors. No excuse!
Kids could be seen, Garry.
Beautifully put Garry.
Every night we would play hide and seek,
until 6-45,my Mam shouted "Dick Barton's on" night one of the families which had a rather large brood of them all watered,fed and the Dad went upstairs to make sure all was well..he noticed that there was one more child that they had..
the little lad couldn't be bothered going for playing out then as all us children did.I couldn't stay indoors at all,but I think children were safer then.
Would that be radio or TV Maureen lol.