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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 11th August, 2017)

LMS Royal Scot

LMS Royal Scot
LMS Royal Scot Class 4-6-0 no 46115 Scots Guardsman.

Photo: David  (Canon PowerShot G3 X)
Views: 3,158

Comment by: Ken R on 11th August 2017 at 03:36

Great photo David. Having worked at Horwich Loco we did not get many "namers", this loco shows well and is a powerful beast.

Comment by: Al on 11th August 2017 at 10:08

Great shot of a beautiful machine, though the electric cables spoil it.

I'm surprised you managed to get a good camera angle because it's impossible to peer over a railway bridge (and even ones at a station) now because they have rebuilt all of the bridge walls to an height that you can't see over them and look at the trains passing, which must make shots like this a pain to accomplish, unless you're about 6ft 7. If you think it's because of safety and being electrified then why is it they are doing it everywhere?, and why haven't they always made the bridges that high. It looks ridiculous what they've done. In some places they've placed metal borders instead of bricks. It's like they don't want people to stand there, doing no harm, and watch a steam or other train going by. More stasi control freaks in power controlling where people can and cannot go I say. It won't be long until trainspotting will be deemed a criminals offence and some lame anti terrorism law will be rolled out.

Comment by: John Morris on 11th August 2017 at 10:17

Good shot David, unfortunately I missed this one.

Comment by: Titus on 11th August 2017 at 11:23

This loco will be 90 years old in October.

Comment by: Brendell on 11th August 2017 at 14:14

Al - I am afraid it is more for the safety of the train drivers, there are so many lunatics throwing things off bridges these days. Something we would never have even thought of doing when we were young train spotters.

Comment by: Mick on 11th August 2017 at 16:11

The new higher bridge walls are there to try and stop crackpots jumping over and causing delays to hundred of travelers.

Comment by: irene roberts on 11th August 2017 at 17:02

It's beautiful! I can almost smell the steam. A big Thankyou for posting this, David, and a big Thankyou too to all the enthusiasts who restore these magnificent trains so that we can not only go back to our childhood but can take our Grandchildren with us to see something they would never have known.

Comment by: Mary on 11th August 2017 at 17:06

What mindset would throw things at trains?
As for jumping over? Both must be the same
answer, drugs! But saying that , on YouTube you see young people going ever more extreme , climbing high buildings and doing the most scary things, and they appear sober. They seem to have the need to prove themselves even more to their friends .

Comment by: Wiganer on 11th August 2017 at 17:25

Titus I think its a case of 'Triggers brush' 6 new handles and 8 new heads. I bet that there isn't much left of the original engine, probably only the Name Plate.

Comment by: Julie on 11th August 2017 at 17:45

Mary , I personally feel sorry for the young people of today. They are pressured more and more to succeed and see this success on the internet. Every year, or even less, another newer mobile or gadget appears that everybody must have or they are missing out. 100s channels on Tv , Facebook , Twitter , Snapchat etc. Not to mention the latest games that cost a small fortune. Add this to exam results they need to get. I am not surprised how many young people find it
so difficult and lose their way in a bad way. And what happens to the young folk who can't even afford any of these mobiles and gadgets, where do they go? I have a guess
don't you...

Comment by: Mick on 11th August 2017 at 18:32

Julie if kids think like your saying , it shows they are crackpots and will have come from crackpot parents.

Comment by: Julie on 11th August 2017 at 20:37

Sorry Mick, That's too easy!

Comment by: Veronica on 11th August 2017 at 23:08

My heart is bleeding for the youngsters who can't keep up with the latest gadgets! Tough -we can't have everything we want in life that's the first lesson to be learned. If they can't manage the pressure at school how will they cope in the real world? I don't feel sorry for them they have far more opportunities open to them than any previous generation. As for the wayward kids - look to the parents That's my opinion Julie.

Comment by: Pw on 12th August 2017 at 07:44

Good photo David,l like the rosebay willow herb in the corner,it used to grow all over by the side of railway tracks in the days of steam.

Comment by: Veronica on 12th August 2017 at 08:56

I should have added my apologies for going off the thread which stems from louts throwing objects onto the railway lines and motorway. Very good picture brings back so many memories.

Comment by: Julie on 12th August 2017 at 16:01

Absolutely correct Veronica. So what do you and Mick propose we do throw all these spoilt children and their parents into the nearest skip? I was simply pointing out what
IS happening today if look around. National Service would help the young people but what do you do with the parents?
If you went to see your GP Veronica to stem the flow of your bleeding heart, would you be happy if he or she handed you a roll of sellotape? Or , if you saw a drunken person headed towards you , who then in their stupor , staggered , fell into the road and was hit by a car, would you say drunken fool serves him right , or call an ambulance?

Mick, I would use the word crackpot cautiously if I were you.

Sorry David for going off thread with your picture . Just a reaction to other comments which sends the debate sideways , as often happens. Thank you for posting

Comment by: Robin Leigh on 20th August 2017 at 02:08

Wiganer, certainly many working parts - bearings, piping etc. - have been replaced in routine maintenance, but most of what you see is either original 1927 - the frames, wheels and cab - or from the 1947 rebuild, which included a tapered boiler, double chimney and curved smoke deflectors. It's the genuine article.

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