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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 3rd July, 2017)


WHAMM (Wigan Heritage And Mining Monument) in Haigh Country Park.

Photo: Neil Cain  (Panasonic DMC-TZ9)
Views: 3,868

Comment by: Mick on 3rd July 2017 at 00:13

Have Wigan not got enough of these Sculpturers and Monuments reminding us of what went on in the olden days already.
Woudnt it be better to start a campaign BBHHPT to bring back the Haigh Hall Plantations Train, that was part of Wigans heritage and people would enjoy having a ride from the gates on Wigan lane to the hall

Comment by: AP on 3rd July 2017 at 03:56

It's a nice walk.

Don't deprive people of their exercise in this time of rampant obesity.

Comment by: Fert on 3rd July 2017 at 05:54

Well Mick, there is no comparison is there - a memorial to people's lives and the price of coal. We all stand on their shoulders. Perhaps you should start your own action to reinstate the pull along 'train' and do it proper, provide for future public liability insurances, scheduled workshop maintenance - all those little incidentals. See how far you get with it.
I think (and I won't be on my own in it) it is fabulous, long over-due, a memorial paid for by the people.
I'm Keeping an eye for the web site and the set up for donations/
Go on Mick, you test out what speaks more to the heart and soul and remembrance.
Sure as eggs when they get it in place you will be pedalling circles around it - you betcha.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 3rd July 2017 at 07:46

NO..Disagree. The first reference to coal mining in the Wigan District goes back to the 14th Century. For centuries men, women and children toiled, suffered and died getting coal.Eventually this huge industry dominated life in the area and Wigan contributed massively to the prosperity of the Nation. Wigan has not got a statue to commemorate this.
WIGAN HERITAGE AND MINING MONUMENT (WHAMM) aims to erect a statue of a miner, pit brow lass and child outside the Town Hall.
As a registered charity, donations can be made at www.justgiving.com.Type WHAMM into the search box and then access the 'Donate' box by clicking on the highlighted WHAMM line.All donations will then be acknowledged

Comment by: Veronica on 3rd July 2017 at 08:18

I'm glad the miners are being recognised for what they did in the past. They were undervalued then and overworked. I wouldn't begrudge them their monument in anyway!

Comment by: Marianne Howell on 3rd July 2017 at 09:23

The miners certainly do deserve a monument. We should never forget the contribution Wigan mining made to the wealth of the nation. You can find more information at www.wiganminingstatue.org.uk.

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh. on 3rd July 2017 at 09:41

I think it is our duty to remember the countless thousands of people affected by mining in our town not only the people who paid with their lives .There were untold thousands who's lives were blighted by lung disease , I can remember as a child seeing old miners unable to walk down the street without stoping every few yards. A friend,
Tom Morton who recently compiled a list of the deaths in the Wigan Coal Field and kindly let me have a copy ,the first thing that jumped out was an accident in March 1835 at Standish when among the dead were 3 sisters aged 19,17, and 14. The last on the list was the explosion at Golborne Colliery March 1979 when 10 men died. I hope that the people of Wigan support the campaign and will have a fitting tribute to the brave men,women and children who gave so much.

Comment by: Sheila Hinds on 3rd July 2017 at 11:53

I think you will find that most ex-mining towns have a monument to those who toiled, and those who lost their lives, in the mining industry. Wherever you are living in the Wigan district, you will not be far from a coal seam. Mining is the BIGGEST part of Wigan's heritage and our Pit Brow Lasses were also famous throughout the land. I am proud to be a member of WHAMM and look forward to the day when our monument, a fitting tribute to the miners of Wigan, is unveiled. As I am also a member of FOHWP - Friends of Haigh Woodland Park, I recall the discussions about bringing back the road train into Haigh Plantations. This was investigated, but we were told that Haigh Bridge does not have the weight capacity for such a load. But Mick, if you would like to try, I wish you every success.

Comment by: irene roberts on 3rd July 2017 at 16:36

A very worthy cause and one I support wholeheartedly. My Dad was a miner as was my brother and most of my uncles, and my Aunty Sally was a pit-brow lass. I like the fact that this dedicated group has been mindful that it wasn't just grown men who toiled, got hurt and suffered lung diseases, and that they intend to include a woman and a child in the monument. I think the ghosts of those represented will be there, unseen and unheard, among today's proud Wiganers when the statue is unveiled and I'm sure they will be grateful that they are not forgotten. I wish you every success, and on behalf of those who can no longer voice their gratitude, Thankyou.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 3rd July 2017 at 17:48

Sheila, would you please contact me at fredmason.com

I have a question for you regarding WHAMM.


Nice photo, Neil.

Comment by: Chan on 3rd July 2017 at 17:52

Don't take note of Mickey Boy look at time he posted, him been on Chinese whiskee.

Comment by: DTease on 3rd July 2017 at 18:10

If we were to believe Hopwood Sayer we would have to believe that no Wigan Miners died of Lung desease.

Comment by: A Griffiths on 3rd July 2017 at 19:11

June 9th 2017 BBC Radio4--- Wigan pit brow lassies are still making headlines.
Wiganers have always taken pride in their heritage and this monument to the miners and pit row lassies of the Wigan coalfields will be the perfect tribute.
Well done to WHAMM.

Comment by: Jinksi, on 3rd July 2017 at 21:39

Both my Grandads,my Father in Law most of my Uncles, Cousins & mates from Spring View, Lower Ince Higher Ince & Platt Bridge,worked down Pits.My Dad did'nt &you would not have got me down one for a Gold Pig.Best of Luck to WHAMM.,wish you every success.Lets not forget what those Brave Men,Women& Children did for Wigan & our Country.

Comment by: Fert on 3rd July 2017 at 22:55

Thank you Neil Cain.
Found the way to the JUSTGIVING WHAMM
and little job done.
That has just got to be so useful for folk scattered all over who want to do something.
Just a thought - would it be any use to hook up and publicise in the US coal fields i.e. Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia where so many emigrated to - and around Nova Scotia/Newfoundland also. Wigan Coalfield miners were sought after by employers and agents. Descendents
feeling who/what they came from.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 4th July 2017 at 08:45

Thank you FERT for your valued support and ideas. I am in contact with the descendant of John Lancaster, co founder of Wigan Coal and Iron Co. who is out there. Maybe we can tap into that area as you suggest.

Comment by: Fert on 4th July 2017 at 09:21

Just a further thought Neil.
John Siney...... a migrant to the US with some of his fellow Wigginers.
A harsh dangerous occupation and the man stepped up for his muckers
in very dangerous times.
I believe he does have descendants there still and I lay a bet that some in Scholes are off his family tree.
Admirable man, and all those people thrown together in that township.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 4th July 2017 at 10:35

I will ask around Fert. One of our team at WHAMM knows many in Scholes. Sounds though John Siney is/was the kind of man we are aiming to commemorate.

Comment by: woodwink on 7th July 2017 at 02:34

I would like to remind folk who have commented above about the tractor and some one claiming obese so start walking,well maty's i don't need a wheel chair but cannot walk over 15 metre's or so ,so it's absence will deprive me of the nice trip through just thought i would remind yu weare not all fit unfortunatly.

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