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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 15th December, 2016)

Wigan Market

Wigan Market
Christmas Lights.

Photo: David  (Olympus OMD EM10)
Views: 3,666

Comment by: Den s on 15th December 2016 at 09:23

How sad.

Comment by: owd marrer on 15th December 2016 at 10:11

bustling market scene

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th December 2016 at 11:16

Christmas Lights, but hardly any stalls or customers. I find it a sad photo, despite the lights.

Comment by: Vb on 15th December 2016 at 11:27

Thanks for the sequence of pictures David. This is just a thourougfare for me to the bus station and a nod to what was! It's not really a market in the true sense of the word sad to say.

Comment by: Anne on 15th December 2016 at 11:41

Not surprised it isn't bustling, looks like packing up for home time.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 15th December 2016 at 12:11

Planners never get it...you change things...they die.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 15th December 2016 at 14:42

Given your Classical background, Helen of Troy, I would have thought you would have remembered Heraclitus saying, Panta Rhei - everything is in a state of flux. Nothing can stay the same - everything is constantly moving and changing.
Maybe the physical changes weren't handled as well as they might have been in Wigan - Bury Market seems to have done very well since it was rebuilt - or maybe the change was in the people, who have slowly stopped shopping in Wigan Market, whilst coach trips are got up to go from here to Bury.

Comment by: Mick on 15th December 2016 at 15:46

Well said Rev

Comment by: Vb on 15th December 2016 at 19:30

Its not just Wigan losing trade- Bolton has been in a 'state of flux' for years. The indoor market has been changed twice - the outdoor market has been ruined and the bus station is supposedly being re-arranged. One well known store has changed hands -and is now closing down. Internet shopping must take a lot of the blame for this ... And also the Trafford Centre. Personally I would much prefer to come to Wigan -and occasionally the Reebok. I find more people are coming to Wigan as opposed to Bolton which is so spread out. It's unfortunate that Morrisons closed though it was really handy to call into before catching the bus.

Comment by: Garry on 15th December 2016 at 21:24

Bury market best around.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 16th December 2016 at 08:41

Sady I do not have such a classical background Rev Long !

I do realise that nothing stays the same forever & as you said yourself things are not always handled very well by...lets face it.....town planners.
Some are better at it than others, in Norwich, the market is in the same place as it has always been since the year dot in the heart of the city & other than a new covering, which is in keeping with the old one nothing has changed. The buildings surrounding it are in keeping and
that seems to be to be the well planned route, not change for sake of change, places must retain some of their history do you not think ?

Comment by: truewigana on 16th December 2016 at 09:43

In your opinion Gary, which mustrmake it the best as you cant possibly be wrong

Comment by: Sue on 16th December 2016 at 18:43

It's the best in the North-West, Bury Market. Agree with you Gary and Rev David x

Comment by: Julie on 17th December 2016 at 17:07

Hi Helen, can I ask. Are planning laws different in Wigan? Councils are obliged to submit any project for a 'public consultation'
whereupon , everyone can express their views on the said project. Furthermore, if the views of those against, outway those held but the council , then it goes to the courts where it can be challenged again if people feel passionate enough. Don't understand this town planners blame view idea. People change things. If enough people care to stop things , councils , governments have to listen or they themselves won't survive..

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