Photo-a-Day (Monday, 29th August, 2016)

Photo: Mick Byrne (Panasonic TZ100)
Nice busy view Mick. Lots of memories.
The letters are upside down, it should say BUS AND CYCLE LANE in the direction of traffic flow.
Ghost town.
It is 45 years since I have seen that junction from this aspect. Despite the inevitable changes, it is immediately recognisable.
Does anyone remember Watkins cake shop?
Good photo Mick.
An unsual view of Wigan Town Centre, I have studied it several times while waiting for the infirmary bus near the Spiritulaist Church.
Wrong again, Garry, the markings are for the only traffic that can see it, coming out of Standishgate turning left onto Crompton St, warning them of oncoming buses and cycles!
Garry - the writing is for Standishgate traffic turning onto Crompton Street - which is one-way towards you from the junction for general traffic. You'll find the lettering is similar on the other side of the junction on Mesnes Street. However, at the beginning of the bus/cycle lanes on both streets the lettering is 'right way up' to warn drivers it's a restricted lane.
The building on the right stand out against the others for the architecture. I remember Voses' pie shop but can't remember if it was the second or third one. The corner shop was Niman's jewellers.
The will not be not upside down if you turning left out of Standishgate.
Vb = next to Nimans was Chamberlain's music and records store, then at one time there was an independent shoe shop and I think Vose's was next followed by a photographers (Foley & Scott?) which was followed by Central Wireless (your Murphy Dealer)
I remember Rumbelow's shop where Subway is now.
Was not Foley and Scott in what was Marsden street next door to a dressmaking material shop. I have a portrait done by them taken on my first birthday.
Gary Leece I remember Watkin's bakery as in the early 1970s I worked there as the mixer for the bread, cake batters and pastry products.
Wasn't Bon Marche on the corner at one time
Thank you Rev Long, well explained.
When you think about it you're spot on.
We don't drive on that side of the road coming from Standishgate anyway....Gary's right.
I remember the subway being called Bulloughs, Radio and TV shop as well. Probably before Rumbelows and in the early sixties I was a 17 year old salesman there. I used to go up Mesnes Street to buy a meat and potato pie for my lunch and go up to the top floor and sit by the window and look down on the shoppers. No one ever looked up and saw me, I felt like a James Bond, almost.
Very good photo.
I visited Wigan in 2012, I only realised later I had used this bus lane to cross into mesnes rd to get to the galleries car park!
Cyril - thanks. Small world. My Grandad was in there once a week in the early sixties, until he died in 1966 getting Gran's order. I took over for four or so years after that. She would only eat Watkins pastries.
And not forgetting more CCTV cameras then ever before, adding more to Orwell's very prophetic vision of the 1984 big brother, totalitarian state where privacy has become a thing of the past (and don't forget, all our texts and emails are monitored also), and sadly most of us don't care.
You're right Irene, wish it was still there instead of all those JUNK food outlets.
Busy being the right adjective!!! I drive through there every day. Pedestrians are on a death wish crossing the road!!! They need to put their phones away!!!!
Anne yes you are correct in saying that Foley and Scott@s pprtrait studio was in Marsden Street