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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 25th August, 2016)

1940s Day (7 of 7)

1940s Day (7 of 7)
1940s Day at Haigh Hall.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 3,507

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 25th August 2016 at 08:13

Looks to have been a great day. I hope not to give offence but though ladies at 40s events take so much care with their costumes many forget their hair. One of the ladies in the photo has ..victory rolls ...at the front but a lady of the 1940s would never have had straight hair flowing over her shoulders. Had the lady in question just put that hair in a hairnet it would have looked perfect. Just a thought.

Comment by: Vb on 25th August 2016 at 09:05

Dont the ladies stand out in their forties finery compared to the modern casually dressed of today? They remind me that the series "Home Fires" will be back this Autumn.

Helen didn't they call those hairnets 'snoods'?

Comment by: DerekB on 25th August 2016 at 14:06

Vb - according to my wife , who is annoyed about it, there are not going to be any further series of Home Fires.

Comment by: Brendell on 25th August 2016 at 14:08

As a member of the WI, we have been told that the series "Home Fires" has been axed !! Shame on them.

Comment by: Irene roberts on 25th August 2016 at 14:55

Yes, vb, they are snoods. I think forties ladies looked so stylish, and the YOUNG ladies who attend the events look so elegant! My hair isn't long enough to do much with, but bobs have been "in" since the twenties, and looks okay under a hat!

Comment by: Vb on 25th August 2016 at 16:40

I am 'gutted' pardon the pun "Home Fires" has been axed! I didn't know ! It was a really good series with a strong storyline -especially the abused wife -so well acted. I have a good mind to write up to complain - not that it would make a difference but you never know!
Thanks Irene those 'snoods' could still be seen well into the 50s.

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