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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 20th August, 2016)

1940s Day (2 of 7)

1940s Day (2 of 7)
1940s Day at Haigh Hall.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 3,992

Comment by: Mick on 20th August 2016 at 07:20

Nice old car but the driver looks very scruffy

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th August 2016 at 09:39

Mick, I can't believe how rude you are! Ray is a lovely person who gave up his whole day to let people see the vintage car. I saw him explaining things to interested parties and let their children sit in the car.....I have never seen such delight on children's faces. I have seen a lot of people complain about your comments in the past but I have kept my mouth shut, but this takes the biscuit. Constructive criticism is one thing but this is just plain rude.

Comment by: David Wood. on 20th August 2016 at 09:44

Is that Geoff . Winstanley, he used to have an Austin 7 ?, also had a brother called Peter.

Comment by: Alb on 20th August 2016 at 09:58

I see this Austin quite often at the Corner House pub in Wrightington for their monthly classic car meet.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 20th August 2016 at 10:21

There was someone there on a bike. Was it you Mick? Because if it was stones and glasshouses come to mind. Ray is a kind hearted and extremely likeable chap....more like him and we'd be better off.

Comment by: Maureen on 20th August 2016 at 11:34

Mick isn't just rude..he's plain ignorant..I've never known him to praise anything or anyone..if it isn't about him he doesn't want to know..I don't think he's ever been taught good manners.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 20th August 2016 at 12:17

Well, I'm with Mick - and I thought the same of yesterday's pic - both the chaps in view were 'out of character'. That's not a personal attack on them, but an observation that, right up to the 60s, men would have their jackets buttoned up and their ties straight, even on the beach, let alone when having their photographs taken. For a portrayal of the 1940s, they don't quite fit, I'm afraid.

Comment by: Mick on 20th August 2016 at 12:28

He might be the nicest man in the world but the fact is he is scruffy.

Comment by: Mick on 20th August 2016 at 12:32

Irene Ive just looked at you and your husbands photo and you both look as though you have made an effort to look nice, the man on the photo with the car as not.

Comment by: Alan on 20th August 2016 at 12:59

irene and Maureen Mick is entitled to his comments like the rest.

Comment by: Maureen on 20th August 2016 at 13:32

Haven't you all the brains to realise the article is about the car and NOT the man..nice as he may be.

Comment by: Mary on 20th August 2016 at 14:08

My dad always wore a tie in work and at home in the 1940, and it was always straight.
The chap looks like a character from the 1960s cult series the Prisoner, with Patrick Mcgoohan.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 20th August 2016 at 15:01

Mick could have made his point without being rude,

Comment by: Fred Mason on 20th August 2016 at 17:08

“Two men looked out from prison bars,
One saw the mud, the other saw stars.”

Nice pic, Thomas.

Very pleasing and well done to Ray.

Comment by: Jeff on 20th August 2016 at 17:40

Guy wouldn't go a miss having a glass at Henley On Thames.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th August 2016 at 17:57

Thankyou, Mick, for you comment on Peter and myself; the 1940s is our hobby and we LIKE to dress up sometimes. However, besides Peter's suit, (which is original), he has an RAF Uniform, (also smart), but also an outfit consisting of a pair of corduroy work-pants, an open-necked shirt and a pair of braces. Not all Wigan men in the forties dressed like Beau Brummel and the Forties events embrace ALL outfits, not just the suit-and-tie brigade.

Comment by: Geoff on 20th August 2016 at 18:21

Getting far too 'clickey' when someone makes an adverse comment.

Comment by: MarieM on 20th August 2016 at 19:08

Irene, where can I find the photo of you and your husband.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th August 2016 at 20:24

Marie, on Communicate, "General", under the thread "FAO Irene.....fabulous forties afternoon". There are two photos of us at the Haigh Hall 1940s day in question if you scroll down. There are a lot of true comments on here.....yes, everyone is entitled to his or her comments but it's not what you say, it's how you say it. It makes a vast difference. You can get a point across without being blunt enough to cause offence.

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