Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 4th June, 2015)

Photo: John Morris (Nikon D700)
Not a patch on yesterday's chuff-chuff !
Looks trim and sleek and very clean. Good photo.
A box on wheels compared to the sleek lines of the steam loco
Second-hand and 25-year-old unit, "cascaded" from the South after a basic refurbishment - most notably the promised air-conditioning was not fitted.
"Northern Powerhouse", or "Second-hand Rose"?
Travelled on one of these when going to see the three Queens, very smooth and quiet. Not at all like train travel used to be. I miss the clickety click clickety clack the old rails used to produce.
Travelled on one of these last week.
Very smooth and sleek but as the Rev says refurbished stock.
Tracks used to be bolted together. Now welded together no expansion gap? on the rare days we get a heat wave funny tracks don't buckle.
Amazing what a 'Dulux' overhaul can do.
PeterP - expansion and contraction made is catered for by means of mitred joints. (The experts on here can describe it better).
Rev David, I suspect that this has nothing to do with a "Northern Powerhouse", which is a new initiative, and more to do with how Northern Rail choose to operate their franchise. A franchise that I believe they are in great danger of loosing.
Southerners get new rolling stock and the cascade their 25 year old after refurbish to us. Always will be a North South devide.
Peter P . There is a system for cwr called Stressing . Basically the rail is stressed or distressed so the rail is stable at 32degrees C
great photo