Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 26th December, 2013)

Photo: Brian (Sony Cybershot DSC-H200)
So ....this must be the other end of the Arcade than (or do I mean to?) last weeks's picture??-Sorry about that; I'm a little foggy-headed after a magnificent Christmas Dinner!!
....I didn't get around to Christmas wishes for all Wiganworlders, I plead rapidly advancing age. Soooo, I will wish everyone a happy, prosperous and most of all peaceful New Year.
Yes, OK, I do recognise this lower end of the Arcade, that store on the right was originally Makinson Tea and Coffee. Thank You.
Another lovely shot Brian....
Ellen all the best to you and yours for the New year......Cheers!!!
Nice photo Brian, however not many shoppers. When was this taken. Also humongous apologies to all my relatives who visit wiganworld for not commenting on Aspull Methodist Church on the 23rd. It was because of my generous donations that the extension was built.
pound bakery who owns that business?
For Britboy this is where Thorntons chocolates shop is to the right of the entrance has you go into mack's arcade
Sounds like you've still not recovered, Ellen, can't make any sence from you comment. Nice one Brian, lovely tree.
Joe pound bakery is/was Hampsons
Looks very quiet Brian when was this taken?
How great to see one of the wonderful red brick buildings that were so characteristic of Wigan. Are there many surviving? They seem to keep their colour well as well.
I believe pound bakery is owned by Sayers.
This shop was also Mark Williams butchers for quite a few years,
Ellen,you're not foggy headed at all,it is indeed the other end of last weeks shot,this is the market end..and in my teens the pound bakery used to be a shop where I bought plenty of my blouses ,I've forgotten what it was called though..can anyone help please.
Thanks PeterP, I'd realised my mistake with not recognising which end I was looking at, to many years across the pond.
Better late than never....Hope you all had a good christmas day.Happy new year to brian and all his contributors.
Extra happy new year to our Lizzie down under xx
For those who don`t use or wish to use Google see :-
Brian; If you send a copy of this photo to them, you may get some free eats!
They also have a shop in Wigan Market Place right near to where the underground toilets used to be.
I`ve purchased their products and can reccomend them.
Maureen, the shop you mention was Grafton
House , my sister was a Saturday girl there in the 1950s.
Thank you never know,she might have served me...memories of the good times eh!
Maureen, I thank you for your kind comment; I'm glad that at least one person other than Garry caught my drift!
..Garry, hope you never succumb to the dreaded foggy headedness; it comes and goes as I age!
Maureen, I also bought stuff from there in the fifties. Before that I think it was called Ranicar's possibly men's wear, can't be sure
Do you know Anne,neither yours nor Toms name for it rings a bell..I'm on a mission now to try to find see if either you or Tom are right.
Maureen... Found a picture of Ranicar's shop in street scenes, album. Older than I remember it but it was there.
Tom,I've just been having a toot at shops on Wigan history,and it seems that you're correct with Grafton House..I must have had butterflies in my head as a teenager.
Ellen, you get those kind of feelings after too much of your favourite tipple.
Sorry to argue,Ken R....Sadly I didn't have any tipple at all!!( My daughter and I slipped up; each of us thought the other was "in charge" of that. Consequently we had multiple desserts, but no alcoholic lubrication with our meal!) Ah well, it will go down the years as another amusing memory about Christmas!
peterp thanks for that information I remember hampsons
mmmm pound bakery pies lol