Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 26th September, 2013)
At work

Photo: Thomas Walsh (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Great machines JCBs when you think about it.
In 1945,Joseph Cyril Bamford started the company that bears his initials. See :-
I had a look last Tuesay at this sad sight. Did I just miss you Tom?
a bit of history bites the dust
another one bites the dust,what
a shame
It is a shame it was allowed to get into that condition but once it had been allowed to it is a case of "Good Riddance"
Ernest, this was taken on Monday 16th. Sept. It was sad to see its demise ,once the hub of our town consigned to history .
My Dad worked in this building in the early 50's, in the Education office. I remember it as a dingy, gloomy place even then. I can't image anyone wanting to occupy it now, historic or not. I hate to see landmarks go, but I suspect there was no choice with this one.
The frontage should have been kept like the Council have done in Library Street - it was part of our history.
Tom; Have read in the Wigan Reporter that a Jersey based company own this site and have paid for the demolition.
Nothing sad about it. Only bricks and mortar. All things must pass...including us!
Gillian,it may only be bricks and mortar to you,but when you look around our Beloved Town. The diference is that we now build Boxes out of Tin and Concreet,there is no Comparison,and it is a shame this Frontage was not Saved for future Genarations to Admire the Skill and Craftmanship of our Farthers it saddens me,