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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 15th August, 2013)

Car Show

Car Show
German car show at Haigh Hall last weekend.

Photo: David  (Canon PowerShot SX240 HS)
Views: 4,383

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 15th August 2013 at 00:25

I really don't like car shows....but Haigh Hall has really saved this picture .....It is a nice picture David....don't get me wrong.....but I would think the cars would come in second to the great house behind them.....Cheers!!

Comment by: John H on 15th August 2013 at 00:55

I Love this shot It shows people having a good time. This was defo shot in Haugh Hall Aspull, You OK with that Dirty Harry

Comment by: kath Pressey on 15th August 2013 at 09:05

such a great Wigan landmark.

Comment by: Jonno on 15th August 2013 at 09:07


Comment by: Garry on 15th August 2013 at 09:15

German cars...the best engineered in the world.

Comment by: Roy on 15th August 2013 at 09:23

It has a nice background David as most Wiganers would say, but the foreground doesn't do much for me, sorry.

Comment by: Roy on 15th August 2013 at 09:40

You could be right Garry, they build the BEST two brands of car in the world at BMW both of them BRITISH, the Rolls Royce and the Bentley.

Comment by: maggie on 15th August 2013 at 10:49

Some time ago, we went on a very interesting trip to the Volkswagen museum at Wolfsburg.The history, not just of the Beetle was shown, several vintage cars were there, there is also a very tall tower with a spiral run from top to bottom, some people had bought new cars & collected them from there, they could follow their car down the spiral. looking at another tall building, there was a crash & a sports car came bursting out of the top floor, coming to rest on a platform.

Comment by: pat on 15th August 2013 at 10:55

Sadly I missed this show, but heard from a friend that it was really good, this photo doesn't do it justice. Lovely shot of Haigh Hall and of a good afternoon being had by all there. I love Haigh Hall and go quite often with my grand children

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 15th August 2013 at 10:57

Bayerische Motoren Werke known as BMW. Headquarters in Munich Germany. It produces the mini and the parent company is Rolls-Royce.
Bentley was British, but now owned by German Volkswagen group since 1998.

Comment by: Cyril on 15th August 2013 at 11:04

Vorsprung Durch Kaputen.

In a recent survey it found that German built cars were the most likely to spend time in garages due to breakdowns, whereas Fiat had the least breakdowns.

Comment by: Garry on 15th August 2013 at 15:51

Cyril talks rubbish...Fiat..cheap rot boxes.

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 15th August 2013 at 18:34

BMW owns the Rolls-Royce car Brand not the company Rolls Royce Plc (Jet Engines) or Rolls Royce Marine Power Plc.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 15th August 2013 at 20:15

My comments at 10:57. It should have read, BMW is the parent company of Rolls Royce motor cars.

Comment by: Garry on 15th August 2013 at 20:29

Neil, who mentioned jet planes or marine engines. This is about cars.

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 15th August 2013 at 22:00

Garry, the comment at 10:57 mentions the company Rolls-Royce and ownership issues, and my comment is about the company Rolls Royce and ownership issues. Many people are not aware that Rolls-Royce cars and Rolls Royce Jet-Engines are not the same or in the same group (but they used to be many years ago). One Rolls Royce is a major contributor to the British economy and the other less so. Whilst the photo is about cars, at least one comment is about Rolls Royce and when I look at Photo-a-Day web page I look at the photo and the comments and I may respond to either.

Comment by: David Holland on 17th August 2013 at 16:46

German cars best engineered, Garry?
Methinks not. Just do a Google about Audi for one...
Its just hype. Clever marketing for cars that are basically run of the mill. Sadly too many fall for the hype.

Comment by: Carol Wilson on 17th August 2013 at 16:54

I bet Garry works for a German car dealers! Ask my dad about how good Volkswagen are (aren't)

Three new head gaskets on a car 12 months old. Electronic ignition falure at 5000 miles. (Four times)Something that was a common fault on the model.

Stuck in Devon in the pouring rain. The AA man actually said...'crap cars Volkswagen, always being called out to them!

Dad ended up buying a Rover thats covered 154,000 miles without a hitch. Fact!

Comment by: Garry on 18th August 2013 at 06:52

A car is only as good as it's owner. I'v had VWs for years, never had head gasket problems or electrical troubles. People would like to own them but they can't affort them. Look after cars and they will look after you. Oh and one other thing, a good many owners never have the cars serviced and expect them to keep going. Rover cars...enough said.

Comment by: Cyril on 18th August 2013 at 12:42

I'm only writing what was stated in the report Garry, though Fiat came out top I wouldn't purchase one, neither would I purchase a BMW, Merc or even a VW, a reliable, spacious and very comfortable Lexus for me, the Japanese really do know about vehicle technology.

Comment by: Henry on 19th August 2013 at 15:27

Nothing wrong with Rover cars, Garry. Just as good as any other (If not better) You've obviously fallen for the foreign car hype.
Its clever marketing and brainwashing by the Germans.

Comment by: Garry on 20th August 2013 at 08:47

Nothing wrong with Rover cars Henry...where are they now...you used to see Rover cars for sale on the forcorts at garages. They were always cheap against any other car the same year, ie they would loose the value much quicker than other cars in it's class...for me that tells you something....there rubbish.

Comment by: Garry on 20th August 2013 at 19:48

Remember the Rover Metro..try and compere that against the Ford fiesta, no contest.

Comment by: Henry on 22nd August 2013 at 11:02

Metro was innovative, split rear seats, hydro suspension, very compact and roomy. I reckon the Metro wiped the floor with the Fiesta. It and the mini set the pace for front wheel drive cars.
Fiesta was bland and had no character. I bet you never even owned a Rover in order to find out just how good the were(are!)
You're brainwashed, Garry!

Comment by: Garry on 24th August 2013 at 20:45

I could'nt lower myself to own a BL car let alone a metro. The metro was a rotbox, the engine dates back to the 50s, the gearbox was oil feed from the engine, the sub frame used to fall off. Yes they set the pace alright... for welding repairs in just three years of being new. Ask yourself Henry...where are they now....the Fiesta's still going strong in a competitive market.

Comment by: Henry on 26th August 2013 at 19:42

Garry...you're living in the past! The later Rover cars are superb. I've had 5 Rover 800s that each covered 120,000 miles without one snag.
Believe me you don't know what you've been missing. Drive a Rover 75 with the BRITISH KV6 engine and you will wish you could still buy one.
I was in Yorkshire today and saw several Metro's still blasting around. Never saw one old Fiesta. Besides most of the Fiestas were made in England. So where does German come into it?
Brainwashing comes in many guises and the Germans ae experts at it.

Comment by: Garry on 26th August 2013 at 20:33

If Rover's such a good car, why have they finished production...because no body wanted to buy them, only you Henry. ie if you don't drink in pubs, they close and get boarded up.

Comment by: Henry on 28th August 2013 at 22:50

Why have they finished production, Garry? Because of unpatriotic British buyers.That should read non-buyers! Plus a shortsighted government who refuse to suppoert UK industry. Tony Blair has a lot to answer for.

Comment by: Art on 29th August 2013 at 02:04

My personal choice:

I wouldn't have a Rover today if it cost the holes out of washers..:o(

Now the Rovers of the 40's/early 50's, were quality cars ;o)

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 29th August 2013 at 08:42

British car makers ie Rover, MG, Austin, Morris, Wolseley, Triumph, Riley, Standard, Daimler, Vanden Plas to name a few, were good British cars in their day. When British Leyland (BL) took them over, the quality started to diminish...they took on big car makers and couldn't handle it. Then, when BL broke the companys up into one, they turned out this type of rubbish, Metro, Montego, Acclaim, Maestro, Prinsess, Ambassador to name a few. These cars where full of mechanical and body paint defects. BL, started to fit Honda engines and VW gearboxes in some of their vehicles, some where designed in Italy like the Morris Ital. But it came apparent that sales were going down fast and nothing could be done to save the company...the rest is history. The truck and bus industry also suffered under BL, they even merged with Daf trucks to help the company. Today, it's not about quality i'm afraid it's how much money can we make.

Comment by: Sandra on 30th August 2013 at 22:42

Anti-British rhetoric from you guys!
You ought to be ashamed.

Comment by: Sandra on 31st August 2013 at 18:22

I came across this Googling.
Auto Express

Audi, BMW and VW ranked in the bottom 10 of a study into engine reliability
German-made cars are not as reliable as many believe, according to new research. Warranty Direct has studied its claims data to compile a list of the manufacturers with the most reliable engines - and Audi, BMW and Volkswagen all finished in the bottom 10 out of a total 36 manufacturers.
British Jaguar were in the top ten.

Comment by: Art on 1st September 2013 at 00:45

Sandra, by using someone else's ideas means that you have none of your own.
I for one am not anti British, as I said MY preference, & comparing the modern Rover quality to when Rover WAS quality. Disqualifies you from comment acquired from Google, & not "experiencing" the difference.

Comment by: John on 27th October 2013 at 11:04

Spent more in two years on my VW Passat in repairs than I did on my ten year old Omega in 7 years including buying it.
Vorsprung Durc Not very good

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