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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 9th August, 2013)

Another one bites the dust!

Another one bites the dust!
The Bulls Head, Warrington Road, Goose Green being demolished.

Photo: Brian  (iPhone 4)
Views: 4,215

Comment by: Roy on 9th August 2013 at 00:46

My wifes grandfather was the landlord there for 35 years, my wife lived there for 20 years and went to St Paul's church from there in 1965 to marry me, i have great memories of that pub. What a sad sight, my in laws would turn in their graves.

Comment by: John H on 9th August 2013 at 01:23

It really is so sad to see yet another one biting the dust. A lot of people look at this & think so its a pub that's shutting its doors. I think of the industry that goes along with them. From cleaners to bar staff to the people that make bottles & glasses It really is so sad. Nice photo Brian, It hits home. Soon there will be nothing but apartments [They was called flats in my day.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 9th August 2013 at 02:32

Sad, sad sad....the only nice thing about the picture is the beautiful blue sky....more houses I expect.....will take its place...cheers!!!

Comment by: Mick on 9th August 2013 at 07:26

It would have made a lovely Indian Restaurant.

Comment by: Joey on 9th August 2013 at 07:52

Heard the now closed Royal Oak on Wigan Lane is to be turned into apartments
Hardly surprising seeing the size of the building and how little of it is used as a pub

Comment by: A.W. on 9th August 2013 at 09:46

Two years ago there were three pubs in my neighbourhood, now there is one. One of the pubs that closed was converted to houses, the other to offices yet we already had more than enough empty houses and commercial premises in the neighbourhood.

Comment by: Catherine on 9th August 2013 at 12:18

My Mum was telling me about this yesterday. Isn't it supposed to be where the long promised road is supposed to go through. This road has been being built for about 30 years. A sad sight though. I was brought up in Marus Bridge so know this area quite well.

Comment by: Stephen on 9th August 2013 at 14:33

Caused by the greedy breweries forcing their landlords to buy beer only from that particular brewery at elevated prices - the result - £3.00 a pint, so people choose to drink at home because it's cheaper. Wonder how the breweries will manage to sell their beer when all the pubs are demolished?

Comment by: Ian C on 9th August 2013 at 18:38

Time please Gentlemen!

Comment by: mick on 9th August 2013 at 19:19

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.

Comment by: alan lad on 9th August 2013 at 19:24

all day hours and managers/landlords sitting wrong side of bar whilst paying a person or persons to sell their ale.

Comment by: Al on 9th August 2013 at 23:04

Yes, another sad sight to see. But why is everyone quick to blame the brewery's for this? They are partly the cause not the main cause. Do people really question the real motive behind the closing of pubs? Maybe this is a created problem to shut places like pubs down because pubs are places are a kind of community in which people meet and chat to one another swap information, as well as drink there. The only pubs left will be the your Whetherspoons that all look the same, and about a dozen of those domed CCTV camera looking down at you to see if you're being a good lad. And who want's to have a nice pint and chat to your old work colleage about your family life and what's on the 'news' when there's a camera watching and listening to your conversation, Land of the free Britain we are not anymore.

Comment by: Franky on 10th August 2013 at 03:09

Expensive drinks, No smoking, More violence. Why wouldnt you drink at home

Comment by: Roy on 10th August 2013 at 14:57

Expensive compared to where Franky? yes, you can buy fizzy c..p in Spain and other Southern European coutries etc for a couple of euros a pint, but i wouldn't wash my feet in it. No smoking in pubs etc? best thing that ever happened and i'm an ex smoker. Violence in pubs? never seen any for years, the last time i saw trouble in a pub was when i was about 20 and that's 52 years ago. I WILL agree with you and say, yes, no smoking has probably kept some folk away, but surely that's only a problem for 3 months or so of the year when it IS cold.

Comment by: Gerald Pilkington Canada on 14th August 2013 at 21:37

o/k here is a good one pull the pubs down brick by brick send them over here, i will visit them, i didnt say i would put them back together like the bridge in Arizona

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