Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 7th August, 2013)
Crow Nest Signal Box

Photo: Colin Harlow (Panasonic HC-V210)
A sad time when this happens....there is just something about railway tracks.....may be because my Grandad was a fireman on steam trains.....cheers!!!
The signal box was commissioned in 1972 and is known has a type 15 design. The box closed for the last time at midnight on the 28th July 2013, Manchester Piccadilly signalling control centre will take charge of the line. The box will almost be demolished but the 25 lever frame could be saved and go to some railway Heritage company. The box was due to close in March this year, along with Atherton and Walkden.
Their use to be five signal boxes from here to ince station controling this section of track. very sad the railways today.
Colin; So it`s finally closed. Do you know what`s going to happen to it?
For info, refer to my comment at 00:25 on your P-a-D 24th June 2012.
message to roy hunt . i was over hic bibi brick works yesterday , i found a brick with n c b , hic bibbi stamped on it . took me all of five minutes .
The 'new' signalling system has already failed! A disaster waiting to happen.....
There were cancellations and delays on the first day (monday) and they call it progress.
This is only a mile from where I used to live close to 'Dobbs Brow' signal box. Spent many many hours trainspotting at this location as well as 'Daisy Hill' station and Springa Branch.
Hey Alan I looked around for about two hours and couldn't find one. Did you find it near a big brick building on the other side of the railway line?
I will personally be glad to see this 70's monstrosity go.
The original Crow nest signal box built in 1887 had far more character.
I don't think the signalers who operated the box would agree with you Phil...
Only the roof's different, a flat roof instead of a pitched roof makes it a monstrosity? Go and brew up Phil!
the box will be move to were the line splits westhoughton/atherton so lorries can come and pick it up that were it will be demolished
How can lorries pick it up a the side of the track.