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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 19th December, 2012)

Signs of life

Signs of life
This shot was taken from the window of my house in Whelley and is a wide shot of the ongoing work to St Catharine's church in the very early morning on the 11th of December 2012. It shows a slight wisp on smoke coming from a frost covered rooftop, accompanied with a stunning sunrise. Showing the first signs of life from Whelley at 7 in the morning, on a VERY cold winters morning.

Photo: Ben Cusick  (Nikon D7000)
Views: 3,767

Comment by: Mick on 19th December 2012 at 00:03

This is a good interesting and historical photo.

It reminds me of Cape Canaveral.

Comment by: Ken R on 19th December 2012 at 00:05

It's like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Nice shot, thanks.

Comment by: Alan (on Van Isle) on 19th December 2012 at 00:07

What a nice picture. I especially like the sky.....almost looks as though it was painted by an artist's brush.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 19th December 2012 at 00:08

A very special pic Ben, you have a good eye for a good shoot. The reno. is coming along as we can see through the hessian cloth and the spire is taking shape. Another one for my album to gaze upon, cheers!!

Comment by: David Fairclough on 19th December 2012 at 00:14

Great shot Ben. My inlaws live just on the edge of Whelley across from Great Acre.

Comment by: Ellen on 19th December 2012 at 01:29

A stunning shot, Ben. Well worth getting up for!

Comment by: Janice on 19th December 2012 at 02:36

That is a beautiful shot Ben. You are doing some good things with the camera! Love the way the glow has been picked up in the smoke.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 19th December 2012 at 03:02

Janice you are very talented and you should be proud of the pics you take!!! I am no critic but I know when a pic has the wow factor, just like this one of Bens. I took mine with my iPad 2 I wouldn't know anything about the camera on it but I just probably get away with it just. Lovely one of the couple and I love the pink boots with the plants. Keep up the good work, cheers Lizzie

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th December 2012 at 03:19

Jack Frost has been busy, once again, Ben. In fact the lowest tempr.was 27 deg.F, but the following morning it was lower at 23 deg.F.
It was sunny all that day and the frost stayed in the sheltered area`s (37 deg.F max.).
What has happened to global warming? It`s global cooling in Wigan !
Prefer our climate to that where Lizzie is in Adelaide !

Comment by: Southern Belle on 19th December 2012 at 04:01

That is such a beautiful picture. Peaceful. Thank you.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 19th December 2012 at 05:43

And I love the pics you sent me, they are now in my memories album, found them under mine, I am still learning!! :-)

Comment by: Helen on 19th December 2012 at 08:13

Great photo. Where would we be if that sun didn't rise everyday, even when we don't always see it shining in the sky ?

Comment by: Rev David Long on 19th December 2012 at 09:00

Ben, where in Whelley are you? St Cath's is built more or less on the conventional E - W axis, with the altar at the East end, and the spire at the West. Your pic appears to show the sun rising behind the spire, with the body of the church in front of it - which would mean the sun was rising in the West. The explanation would be that that isn't the body of the church - it's another building between you and the spire.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 19th December 2012 at 09:30

Ernest, yes we have some nasty hot weather on the way, 39c on Sunday but thankfully Christmas Day will be just 26c just reet!!! Cheers!!!

Comment by: Al.C. on 19th December 2012 at 10:46

Very nice photo Ben.

Comment by: Peter on 19th December 2012 at 11:18

Looks cowd there Ben
I'm in Adelaide at the moment on holiday and i can only shiver at the thought of coming back there to that brrrrrrr!

Comment by: ben cusick on 19th December 2012 at 13:47

rev david long - i live on northcroft on the bottom of platt lane.

Thanks everyone for your nice comments, they're very encouraging

Comment by: Tom D on 19th December 2012 at 14:06

Absolutely horrendous.

Comment by: Maureen Andrews on 19th December 2012 at 14:59

Peter..you lucky thing,it is very cowd here,get ready to put your thermals on when your plane lands..you will feel it all the more coming from somewhere so hot.
Ben that is a lovely photo,it looks like gold.

Comment by: dirty harry on 19th December 2012 at 16:43

it's ok i surpose if you like to see the sun comming up. im only used to seeing it going down i didnt realise there was a 0700 hrs.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 19th December 2012 at 17:05

I'm perplexed, Ben - you live East of St Cath's - yet you appear to have the sun rising in front of you, behind the West end of St Cath's church. The pics I've taken for PaD all have the sun shining on the South side of the building some hours later than the 7am you give for your shot.
It's a great pic... but are you sure it's not sunset, rather than sunrise?

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 19th December 2012 at 17:47


Comment by: Ben cusick on 19th December 2012 at 18:09

Rev long - im sure it was in the early morning. Ill doiuble check the metadata on the origonal when i get home.

Comment by: Jod on 19th December 2012 at 19:00

According to the Photographers Ephemeris, a programme that lets photographers calculate sun and moon positions, the sun only rose at 0817 on December 11th, and set at 1550. The plot from Northcroft would have the sun rising from the direction of the canal locks to your left and setting to the right of St Caths as you look at it, Ben

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 19th December 2012 at 19:54

Northcroft to St Cath's is a south-west direction. Weather 11th Dec bright/cold. Sunset time 11th Dec 3:51pm Wigan.

Comment by: Paula on 19th December 2012 at 21:12

Lovely photo.
If you look on Google Earth and find St Cath's, the church is sitting in a South West to North East position, the steeple being at the SW end. i.e a "twenty to two" position if you imagine a clock face.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 19th December 2012 at 21:49

Paula - if you look at most of the older Parish Churches you will see that they are on a similar axis - but they will have been positioned using the stars, rather than asking a geographer. So they are supposed to be built with the altar at the East, the place of the resurrection of each new day - and also East towards Jerusalem. Our maps are orientated towards the 'true' North Pole - which shows, as you say, that they're to the North of true East.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th December 2012 at 22:15

St.Catharine`s is slightly to the south east of Whelley.
Ben therefore is taking the sunrise, but it must be later than 7am.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 19th December 2012 at 22:35

Peter, hope you enjoy your stay in our little country town, as people from Melbourne and Sydney call it. I say small is best!! Cheers!!!

Comment by: Geographer on 19th December 2012 at 23:01

Ernest, have you not been paying attention? How on earth did you work out that Northcroft to St Caths is South East, when it is really South West as at least 5 posts have pointed out? Come on Ben, lets put this right!

Comment by: ben cusick on 19th December 2012 at 23:26

appologies everyone. i've just checked the metadata and this shot was actually taken at half 4 in the afternoon. not really sure why i thought it was in the morning. unless i wrote that thinking it was another shot. anyway sorry for the confusion.

TAKEN AT 4:33pm

Comment by: Mick on 19th December 2012 at 23:34

You can see Billing hill in the back ground so its a sunset

Comment by: peter on 19th December 2012 at 23:40

hi lizzie thanks for the welcome
i know that adelaide is the place to be this christmas
have a very happy christmas

Comment by: Paula on 19th December 2012 at 23:56

I see Rev David. Very interesting. Love looking at the pics on here. I'm a Liverpool girl, worked in Wigan for over 20 years and very interested in the area, love to see how things were or have changed. Always liked St Catharines ( my daughter's name)

Comment by: Ellen on 20th December 2012 at 00:32

......All of that being said and done, it's still a stunning photo!

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 20th December 2012 at 00:56

Merry Christmas Peter to you and your family. Thankyou for your wishes, cheers!!!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 20th December 2012 at 03:43

Geographer, I put `Whelley Wigan UK` on Google Earth. Should have looked where Northcroft is !!
I`d every confidence in Ben and can`t understand how someone can make such an error.
As stated in my comment at 03:19 yesterday, the frost remained in sheltered areas all that day, so would have expected it to have cleared on the roofs, in Ben`s photo, by sunset

Comment by: ben cusick on 21st December 2012 at 05:14

the reason i got confused was because i took some shots that morning when the sun rose and some in the afternoon when it set. i didn't think to check the metadata and see when the shot was taken, i just saw the frost and assumed it was morning. I'm only human..

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 21st December 2012 at 08:18

Ben, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west !! so can`t be in same place mornng and evening.

Comment by: Peter on 21st December 2012 at 11:17

Its a terrific picture whenever it was taken Ben
Well done lad

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