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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 7th August, 2012)


The 'Ironman' contest that started with a swim at Pennington Flash of 2.4 Miles followed by a 112 mile bike ride and then a 26.2 mile marathon. The winner did the course in 8hrs 55 mins 11 secs.

Photo: Gareth Roberts  (Kodak C 713)
Views: 3,907

Comment by: aitch on 7th August 2012 at 09:54

if that had been me, I would still bee testing the water, good shot though, and I got caught in the cycle ride in Eccleston that day, 2 hours to get through the place

Comment by: Mick on 7th August 2012 at 10:13

Fitting photo for today because its the Olympic triathlon and theres two Yorkshire brothers in it.
There called the Brownlees and could win a medal for Yorkshire and Britain

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 7th August 2012 at 16:01

Mick, Alistair Brownlee has won the gold medal and his brother Jonathan has won the bronze medal.

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