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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 22nd July, 2012)

Eye Eye

Eye Eye
Taken in Haigh Hall.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon PowerShot SX1 IS)
Views: 4,087

Comment by: Ellen on 22nd July 2012 at 02:31

Oh-Oh; Wait for the anti-wildlife brigade! Personally, I love this picture, the detail and focus is excellent. Thanks.

Comment by: Ken R on 22nd July 2012 at 02:32

Great shot Ron. If you were any closer you would be inside that skin. Magic.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 22nd July 2012 at 03:25

You didn`t reply to my question in my comment on Tom Walsh`s P-a-D on 18th July`12 :-
Comment by Ernest Pyke on 18th July 2012 at 22:09
Ron D, why must one have to be competitive when taking a photo?

Comment by: peterp on 22nd July 2012 at 07:31

even got the reflection of the trees in its eye

Comment by: Mick on 22nd July 2012 at 08:14

A bit too close to for my liking.

Comment by: Harry C. on 22nd July 2012 at 08:26

Eye eye!

Comment by: dot on 22nd July 2012 at 08:30

The clarity is awesome. You can see the clouds and the trees in its eye.
Well Done.

Comment by: Ron D on 22nd July 2012 at 08:33

Ernest .The answer is in your question.

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh on 22nd July 2012 at 08:50

A quite outstanding photograph .

Comment by: dirty harry on 22nd July 2012 at 09:05

tut tut tut!!! because it is the day of rest im not going to lower myself with any foolish remarks. instead im going to say what a good piccy this is nice macro shot detail very shap what more can i say . let he who is without sin cast the first stone amen

Comment by: marie on 22nd July 2012 at 09:45

it dont look so cute now

Comment by: jeff haydock on 22nd July 2012 at 09:59

Nice close up Ron.

Comment by: Janice on 22nd July 2012 at 10:35

I left a comment earlier on this but for some reason it does not appear! Anyway, excellent photo Ron, very sharp and good catchlight in the eye, full of detail.

Comment by: Alan Hurst on 22nd July 2012 at 10:38

I see that silly man is at it again, maybe people don't want to answer your idiotic questions that has no meanings to the photos. Maybe you need a good nights sleep instead of trying to be the first to comment...think first.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 22nd July 2012 at 10:56

Ron, I don`t understand you. Most users of cameras are not serious photographers and take snapshots.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 22nd July 2012 at 12:32

Yet another idiotic comment Alan Marsh. It`s time you realised how silly you are and start making useful comments. As I said in my comment on P-a-D 17th July`12 "I`ve never tried to be the first to post a comment, as there`s no point in doing so".

Comment by: cullie on 22nd July 2012 at 12:57

nice piccy ron dawber very sharp.as for mick im picking up negative vibs from you and dirty harry. there isnt a day when your both slateting someones picture dirty harry needs to get his head in order(he is a clever bloke really because i no him with a well paid job and he has a wife and kid ) as for mick he must think life evolves round people on the dole and drunks and druggies

Comment by: tricia on 22nd July 2012 at 15:33

Most of the insulting posts are not Mick, its some loonie using other people's names. It is always happening, don't take the bait as it may be you next.

Comment by: RON on 22nd July 2012 at 15:44

Please note in future any derogatory comments won't be added to any 'Photo A Day' photographs. The photographs put on the site don't have to be of the BEST quality it is the content that is important, and thanks to the people who take the time and trouble to take them. It would appear that recently certain people are posting comments to antagonise other people. I notice that these people don't put any photographs on the site or contribute to the site in any positive way.
It is not a Photographic competition

Comment by: Catherine on 22nd July 2012 at 15:54

Hear hear Ron.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 22nd July 2012 at 18:10

Very well spoken, Ron. It's about time that someone said that. The photos on here are a pleasure to see, regardless of content, location, subject, etc. Their variety is great. I also agree with Trish, there is a troll who has nothing better to do than to put someone down or find fault.

Looking forward to pleasant photos of Wigan or surrounding areas.

Well done again.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 22nd July 2012 at 19:26

Ron D, on a lighter note, what part of Haigh Hall was it taken in - the kitchen!

Comment by: David Barker on 22nd July 2012 at 20:13

Very clear and sharp Ron ,looks like its coming out of the screen great shot.

Comment by: john on 22nd July 2012 at 20:32



Comment by: Ellen on 22nd July 2012 at 20:45

Do any of those who talk about "rushing to be first to post" ever consider that people are first to comment are that simply because they are customarily online at the time,and are interested to see the new P-a-D? (for whatever reason; mine would be that midnight in Wigan is 7pm in Ontario! Others, and I can also subscribe to this, are simply requiring less sleep, as we grow a little older!)

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 22nd July 2012 at 22:36

Alright john, the surname should be Hurst not Marsh.
I refer you to Mick`s (not the impersonator) comment :-
Comment by Mick on 17th July 2012 at 16:17
"J and Syd its not a competition,if you want nice photo comments send your photos to a photo website where all the viewers will also be like you and leave comments like nice photo mate well done".
There have been many lengthy and very interesting comments, as Rev David Long`s for example.

Comment by: Gary on 23rd July 2012 at 13:26

A day of rest, Dirty Harry? Don't tell me that you're a religious zealot?
If so go to church and get your priest to bless you in order to help you become a part of reality.

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