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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 10th July, 2012)

Bee Keeper

Bee Keeper
A bee keeper removing a nest from my back garden, the bee keeper is Gerry Bennett.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 4,382

Comment by: Mick on 10th July 2012 at 00:04

Looks like you have nice garden Thomas

Comment by: maggie K on 10th July 2012 at 00:09

Great Photo - hope the bees are safe.

Comment by: Derek Platt on 10th July 2012 at 01:08

It's much easier to get rid of them in the late evening when they are dormant. Spray the little beggars. After all they are only bees. There's lots more where they came from.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 10th July 2012 at 02:33

Looks like you have a large garden, Tom. The grass grows very quickly in the weather we`ve been having !!

The Little Man and His Empolyees.
Once there was a little man
Who hummed a little song
To all his little empolyees
Who also hummed along.

And since he was a single man,
And had no real company,
He grew his own crops, and ate his own bread,
To his workers' cacaphony.

Now this small man owned only 2 suits,
One for work, and one for everyday.
The former was used to visit his workers' families,
The latter used for cutting the hay.

Some people found him kind of mad.
Who would choose to visit his employees?
But that little man recieved gifts for coming,
That's why they called them 'honey bees.'

And since that man had his zillions of employbees,
And took care of them all through the winter,
His neighbours got together and gave him a name.
That's why he's called the Beekeeper!

From Susie Band

Comment by: michael davies australia on 10th July 2012 at 04:13


Comment by: David on 10th July 2012 at 09:39

Ernest, will you be celebrating John Clare day on July 13?

Comment by: Clarky on 10th July 2012 at 10:04

I don't understand Michael Davies comments.

Comment by: Loz on 10th July 2012 at 10:32

Derek, bees are a protected species! No pollination, no agriculture, and no food for you!

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 10th July 2012 at 12:09

I planted some Borage this year for the bees and they love it.They have had a really hard time and need our support and as Loz says,they are essential to food production.

Comment by: Margaret Peters on 10th July 2012 at 15:50

Derek Platt needs to educate himself concerning the importance of bees. I think we could do without him rather than the bees.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 10th July 2012 at 16:35

David, refer :-
for 3 day Festival Programme.

Comment by: dirty harry on 10th July 2012 at 17:03

this is turning into poets corner just like the bird pictures. "im getting sick and tired of it now. come on get with the script"

Comment by: ann21 on 10th July 2012 at 17:50

Thomas, how did he get them out of the nest. Does he just make them fly off to pastures new

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh. on 10th July 2012 at 19:16

Ann 21, Gerry ,got the nest in total,and took
them to his hives,he said there was aprox .,
25. -30. thousand,apparently there can be as many 60 thousand in the larger nests.

Comment by: Ellen on 10th July 2012 at 20:15

To Derek Platt; there's many bee-keepers would like you to get "sprayed" for that remark!! (at least in the US and Canada) I hear that honey bees are disappearing at an alarming rate in Europe, as well.

Comment by: Gary on 11th July 2012 at 08:57

Morning, Dirty , Shirty, Harry...

Comment by: Brenda Fisher on 11th July 2012 at 09:04

I never thought I'd ever agree with, Dirty Harry, but I too detest poetry!
Mabe Wiganworld could have a 'poets corner?

Comment by: David on 23rd July 2012 at 10:25

BBc 4 tonight July 23. 'Who Killed the Honey Bee?'

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