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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 2nd June, 2012)

Kirsty Gallagher

Kirsty Gallagher
With a pre-lit Olympic Torch on Wallgate.

Photo: Ste Shaw  (Phone)
Views: 3,976

Comment by: Alan H on 10th June 2012 at 14:59

Can anybody explain why this Sky Sports presenter was carrying the torch? Also the Sky Sports guy said it was at the junction of Caroline street and WESTGATE.A classic example of the media hi-jacking an event that should have had Wiganers involved.

Comment by: Ferg on 15th June 2012 at 00:02

Really p****s me off how hostile people can be. We had a visitor to our town, one runner out of many (the rest virtually all being local). We should be glad that not only someone accepted an offer to run in our town, but that they left our town with positive memories after a rapturous reception. I'm proud of our town, I'm made up I saw the torch come pass through my neck of the woods and to then watch it online go through the rest of our burough.

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