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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 19th February, 2012)



Photo: Roy Hesketh  (Canon 50D, 17 - 85mm Macro - Zoom)
Views: 4,476

Comment by: peterp on 19th February 2012 at 00:08

what a eyesore the old town hall looks like a relic from the 2nd world war

Comment by: Gem on 19th February 2012 at 00:39

is that the new Wigan Forest?

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th February 2012 at 10:30

It IS an eyesore, peterp, but it needn't have been. It is part of Wigan's history and could have been renovated with less money than they've spent on the other eyesore in the photo.....the one that looks like it's made of lego. That too will deteriorate if it's just left to rot.....any building will.

Comment by: Cyril on 19th February 2012 at 11:47

The Elim Pentecostal Church in Greenhough Street wanted to buy the old town hall from the council in the early 1990s, they wanted it for a new church and centre, but the then council refused them, it was okay back then but I'm sure it will be full of rot and decay by now, the council will be lucky to sell it now the state it's in.

Comment by: vicky on 19th February 2012 at 12:51

Well said Irene.

Comment by: Bren on 19th February 2012 at 12:57

And on the other side of the road is another eyesore .... the old police station.

Comment by: Janet on 19th February 2012 at 13:18

I agree with Irene, plus the new eyesore won't last a 10th of the time the old one has and with some looking after the old eyesore would still be going strong... All the people who have been voted in as Wigan Council over the last 35 years or so should hang their heads in shame. They are the ones who have brought Wigan down to it's knees...

Comment by: Alan on 19th February 2012 at 14:59

I feel that they are leaving these old buildings in this state so that they have an excuse to pull it down saying that they're not safe when they get to bad state. Then they get their own way by building on top with a block of flats or other profitable business. One thing that I hate is the ugly, soulless buildings we have replacing old ones.

Comment by: peterp on 19th February 2012 at 16:00

Agree new life centre from the front looks like it was built from lego also look like part of the car park next door.May be around in 20yrs time

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th February 2012 at 18:11

I agree with everyone here. The 'Save Wigan' campaign is going great guns now. Why not join us? www.savewigan.co.uk

Comment by: Tom Walsh on 19th February 2012 at 18:30

Years ago if something like this that offended the eye,and the old Town Hall certainly does,it would be screend ,by hoardings, not an ideal solution ,but would look better than this. The front of the building could be made to look less offensive if the windows were covered with plywood and painted black, again not the answer but in the interim make it look less offensive , particularly by visitors to Wigan ,many of whom see this as their first impression of our Town.

Comment by: Maggie on 19th February 2012 at 18:57

Everyone seems to agree on this one. The 'Old' Police Station is also a mess but the Original Police station was a lovely building on this derelict site. How did WMBC get permission to pull it down and then leave it like this! What 'plans' do Wigan MBC have for this land?

Comment by: Mick on 19th February 2012 at 19:48

Front of the town hall is still standing because its the only part that was built proper, the back was cheaply built just like the rest of Wigans old buildings.

I do like the new building and I bet them who work in it love it.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 19th February 2012 at 21:45

I agree with Alan, the buildings are run down on purpose. The same thing happened to the railways before Beeching pulled out his axe.

Comment by: Ron D on 19th February 2012 at 22:44

You tell them Mick.I worked on the old nick 60+ years ago ,it wasn't in good shape then .

Comment by: Andrew Fishburn on 20th February 2012 at 06:48

Agree with the sentiment. But however you cut it, you can't blame the council for the state of property that they don't own!

Comment by: Dot on 20th February 2012 at 08:58

This photo doesnt explain fully where this is for the people who left Wigan for foreign shores. But who still have a keen interest in anything from Wigan. This is the new baths which replaced the old baths, at the end of Library St. The left hand building was the very old town hall.The part facing library st, is an Italian restaurant in the old building. At the other end of Library St is the refurbished library, which is a museum and a reference library. Very good for checking out your geneology.

Comment by: Ferg on 20th February 2012 at 23:43

People don't want a town full of ruins , relics and vacant land..at the same time they berate anything new going up. You people really could do with making a preference for one or the other. The new life centre is an invaluable asset for our borough and looks great. I think people can easily forget how many of our 18/19th century buildings may have been funded in the first place.

Comment by: Tom Walsh on 21st February 2012 at 13:48

Ferg, I think you misunderstand the concerns
that many have regarding our Town
nobody wants to live among ruins.The point is intervention should taken before they become ruins. We have lost many outstanding buildings over the years,that with some forethought could be gracing Wigan today.An example Smithy Green in Ince,if these houses been in York there would have a preservation order on them .I take your point that we have welcome new development , we should also appreciate our heritage,if our planers act sympathetically both can live happily side by side,thus everyone is satisfied

Comment by: Dennis Forshaw on 26th February 2012 at 00:22

I reckon the new building looks great. Wigan needs new buildings of such calibre. We can't wallow in the past.
We have to shirk of the old and bring in the new.

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