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Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 16th August, 2011)

Serendipity shot...

Serendipity shot...
High Hopes quickly became False Hopes. When scaffolding started to go up around one of the Alfred Waterhouse Grade 2 Listed Chapels in Ince Cemetery I had high hopes that, at last, these sadly neglected buildings were going to receive some much-needed attention. Sadly, it turned out that the contractors had the wrong chapel. They should have been scaffolding the Crematorium Chapel in the Wigan Cemetery next door...

(Note by Brian: Photo taken and sent to me at the end of March, saved for future use)

Photo: Rev David Long  (Konica Minolta Dynax 7D)
Views: 4,119

Comment by: Bren on 16th August 2011 at 07:19

How sad !

Comment by: john G on 16th August 2011 at 08:42

If Wigan Council is really interested in the town's heritage they need to spend some some money on these chapels -if only to stabilise the situation for a few years until more funding is available. Soon they'll crumble to the ground and be lost forever.

Comment by: dave marsh on 16th August 2011 at 12:07

The scaffold has a Cathedral effect.

Comment by: irene roberts on 16th August 2011 at 15:09

I wonder if the council is deliberately letting them get into a state where it would be dangerous to leave them standing,therefore giving them a reason to demolish them?

Comment by: peter on 16th August 2011 at 16:38

if you think that this council is going to spend money on projects like this you live in a fantasy world
Irene hit it on the head by suggesting that if they let the buildings go to ruin(grade 2 listed in a lot of cases) they can demolish them.
the old town hall in king street being a prime example

Comment by: Slack Alice on 16th August 2011 at 18:06



Bet they were a tad miffed - PMSL!!!!

Bet they get plenty work

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