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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 7th May, 2011)

British Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation
Charity shop on Mesnes Street, used to be Smiths of Wigan.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,467

Comment by: Gerald Pilkington Canada on 7th May 2011 at 00:29

Been there many times when it was smiths. That building is over 40 years old.

Comment by: rebian on 7th May 2011 at 02:04

Once Smiths Of Wigan which become a victim of internet buying...

Comment by: Mick on 7th May 2011 at 06:43

Wonder what happened to Oliver.

Comment by: Helen on 7th May 2011 at 08:34

Is that the multi storey car park in the background that they knocked down the top end of Dicconson St for ?

Was the Scotch Bakery near here in years gone by ?

Comment by: Cyril on 7th May 2011 at 12:08

Yes that will be Bailey's Helen it was on the corner, and was demolished in the early seventies. Sid Smith had his new shop built there when they demolished the Market Arcade also in the early seventies. Brian's furniture store was next door if you remember, and this in turn was demolished in the eighties when it was found to be disappearing down an old mine shaft, Smith's then extended their shop onto that site.

Bailey's daughter and son in law opened a chain of bakeries around town called Galloway's, and they say the pie recipes are the original recipes from Bailey's Scotch bakery.

Comment by: Helen on 7th May 2011 at 21:19

Thanks Cyril, you are a gem remembering all that.

Used to call in at the Scotch Bakery for a round of parkin after getting off the Ormskirk bus by the Congregational Church...years & years ago !

Comment by: christine bishop nee davies on 8th May 2011 at 09:04

my mum used to work for george bailey ,and my aunty jenny moss also , jenny was a cake finnisher , made my wedding cake beautiful . she also made trifles you could die for

Comment by: Lee Layland on 8th May 2011 at 10:16

Smiths is where we used to get all our college books. Used to spend a fortune in there every year!

Comment by: Fred on 4th June 2011 at 14:38

I hope it was good Sticky Parkin Helen.

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