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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 28th February, 2011)


Nesting Coot at Three Sisters.

Photo: Phil Whitehead  (Nikon D90 Lens Sigma 70-200 f2.8)
Views: 4,717

Comment by: mick on 28th February 2011 at 00:31

A sign of spring at last

Comment by: John on 28th February 2011 at 09:24

At last a Spring photo...beautiful, thanks Phil.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 28th February 2011 at 10:17

Ah, yes, have to agree,

Spring has sprung,
The grass has ris,
I wonder where the birdies is,
Some say the bird is on the wing,
But that's absurd,
'Cos the wing is on the flippin' bird.

Great photo, nice sharp eye..!!

Comment by: rubyshoes, on 28th February 2011 at 10:58

It's been a long winter. Nice to see signs of things to come, I hope.

Comment by: Bob on 28th February 2011 at 14:48

Now, that's better a spring Photo, Thank you Phil. I feel much better myself now.

Comment by: Honk on 28th February 2011 at 19:25

Good photo Phil but where on Three Sisters is this nest? Currently there ate no coot nests recorded on yesterdays (Sunday 27th) survey. Checked again tonight an dno sign of a nest. Coots normally start to breed from mid March. The photo looks like one of last years nests.

Comment by: Mick on 28th February 2011 at 20:03

Honk said

Good photo Phil but where on Three Sisters is this nest? Currently there ate no coot nests recorded on yesterdays (Sunday 27th) survey. Checked again tonight an dno sign of a nest. Coots normally start to breed from mid March. The photo looks like one of last years nests.

So it might not be spring after all.

Comment by: Phil Whitehead on 28th February 2011 at 21:06

I did indeed take this shot last year. I will need to go on my other computer to get the exact date. If i remember correctly it was at the opposite side of the lake from the car park.

Comment by: John Morris on 28th February 2011 at 21:44

This might be last year's photo but it still reminds us that spring is just round the corner. The birds have started to sing as well, another sign of things to come, or am I just an optimist? By the way are coots really daft???

Comment by: Honk on 28th February 2011 at 21:54

Hi Phil, your memory serves you well that’s where this nest was located, sorry to have questioned you on this one. The Rangers and Friends of Three Sisters carry out weekly bird surveys on Three Sisters and record all nests around the lake including weekly counts on the number of (webs) water fowl/swans etc.

Apologies for the typing errors in my original post.

Comment by: Honk on 28th February 2011 at 23:23

John that’s a good question because they do seem to be sometimes and yet when you see them nest building they quite industrious using a collection of material to help bind the nest. They are also alert, noisy and quarrelsome.

Comment by: John on 1st March 2011 at 08:30

The official date of Spring this year is the 27th of March. Phil last year's photo????? I thought this was up-to-date, hence photo-a-day. Come on get out there and click those cameras....well done Honk for pointing this out.

Comment by: Phil Whitehead on 1st March 2011 at 21:28

Sorry if i have entered a photo that technically does not qualify. I was not aware that the shot should represent something taken that day.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Comment by: Jean F (Wales) on 1st March 2011 at 22:48

Poor Phil!!
Does it really matter when a picture is taken,if they are good to look at .Why are some people so picky ???

Comment by: Honk on 2nd March 2011 at 00:06

Not being picky Jean, just constructive. As I said the photo is good but unfortunately it’s too early in the season for the coot to be sitting eggs. If you view the photos in the Photo-a-Day library you will see that (with the exception of inanimate objects) the photos are current to the time of year. The posters who send their photos for this section expect the viewer’s to be critics with comments which are good, indifferent and sometimes uncalled for but never the less constructive

Comment by: Mick on 21st March 2011 at 15:00

Well it March and I saw three Coots nesting at Worthington lake yesterday

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