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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 2nd July, 2010)

Pigeon Pit Bridge

Pigeon Pit Bridge
Lancaster Pound, L&L Canal, New Springs.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon 400d 35mm--13.5mm lens.)
Views: 5,524

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 2nd July 2010 at 07:12

An excellent photograph Ron! Really vibrant greens, it shows the canal of to it's best.

Comment by: Harry C. on 2nd July 2010 at 09:04

I didn't know it was called that Ron. Cheers. H.

Comment by: brian d. on 2nd July 2010 at 11:42

you been on that bridge often enough
harry, locals say the pigeon pit
was nearby.

Comment by: janet on 2nd July 2010 at 13:26

It is a lovely photo...Do I see Hawthorne in bloom, I love the smell of Hawthorne blossom and miss it SOO much, as I miss everything, even after 35 yrs away..

To all you wonderful people that put photo's on here..THANK YOU...

Comment by: Ken R on 3rd July 2010 at 00:01

Good shot Ron, I should kmow where the Pigeon Pit bridge is, but I cant think where, can you describe please.

Comment by: John H on 3rd July 2010 at 02:42

Beautiful Shot Ron, If Id done that one it would be on the wall.
Nice to see you useing that 400D

Comment by: Ron D on 3rd July 2010 at 09:37

Ken .About half way from New Springs bridge to the iron bridge at Haigh hall. Locals call it when they pass over it .Gooing daane line. In the fifties, and before you could hear the locos pulling their loads of coal up there . Keep you awake all night. Cheers Ron.

Comment by: Ellen on 3rd July 2010 at 22:39

Everything that Janet said, except that for me it's 43yrs!!!

Comment by: janet on 4th July 2010 at 13:21

Ellen, where are you?

Comment by: Scholes Malc on 6th July 2010 at 22:13

the pit adjacent to this bridge was the 'Bridge Pit' - nearby was the 'Dairy Pit' - & I remember fishing in the pond close to both which was known as the 'Pigeon Pit' but was it actually a working pit?

Comment by: bertalan on 2nd September 2010 at 10:04

a lovely picture. can anyone help please. im searching for archives.regarding the beehive angling club.which was located @ whelley. the lodge was sadly filled in around 1979? any suggestion's or pictures.please forwatd to. bertalane@yahoo.co.uk thankyou.

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