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Photos of Wigan
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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 8th May, 2010)

Trolley song.

Trolley song.
Tesco, Wigan.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Kodak compact.)
Views: 4,793

Comment by: Rebian on 8th May 2010 at 09:20

Looks like the trolley park moved at the last minute :)

Comment by: ALF G on 8th May 2010 at 09:28


Comment by: David on 8th May 2010 at 11:19

Too many elements!

Comment by: Bob B on 8th May 2010 at 11:25

What rubbish, get a life.

Comment by: Puzzled on 8th May 2010 at 11:39

Exactly what is the point of a photo like this?!!

Comment by: Mick on 8th May 2010 at 11:53

ALF G Why dont you contribute some of your own then.

I think its very artistic and show how ugly some Wiganers are.

Comment by: ALF G on 8th May 2010 at 13:25

Mick...thats my own personal view of the photo, which I am entitled to make. My point is what's the point of the photo?

Comment by: Helen on 8th May 2010 at 13:37

I think it is an ' artistic ' photo & as such is very good. In everyday life we don't see things from angles like these.
By the way Tesco is a dirty word here where I live....every little harms !

Comment by: Ricki on 8th May 2010 at 14:27

Helen go and peel some spuds for sunday dinner.

Comment by: hughes the booze on 8th May 2010 at 14:58

It would make a good photo to use in a spot the difference comp.

Comment by: pat on 8th May 2010 at 15:37

"Yer having a laugh, aren't you?

Anyway you have got plenty of attention and response!!!

Comment by: Ste Wigan on 8th May 2010 at 16:31

Artistic? Its trolley shed!

Comment by: tricia on 8th May 2010 at 18:14

Thank you for the photo Ron.I do not see any on here from most of these ungrateful posters.
Alf, please do not shout (capitals)

Helen, ignore the rude MCP remarks.
Personally I am glad to see any photo of Wigan on here.
And by the way, people who use that silly phrase 'get a life' usually don't have one. Rant over

Comment by: Ron D on 8th May 2010 at 18:46

Its a funny old world "Wiganworld"
A week ago, I put on here two, I think nice pictures. They didn't get this response.

Comment by: COLIN HARLOW on 8th May 2010 at 19:50

Ron, a so called bad photo can get as much comment and response than as you rightly say "a nice picture" its all "chit-chat" at the end of the day. Dont take it peronally, and remember, their giving someone else a rest. Please keep the photos coming.

Comment by: Mick on 8th May 2010 at 20:30

Yes Ron some times the plain everyday photos are the best because theres a story in them.

Comment by: COLIN HARLOW on 8th May 2010 at 21:40

Sorry... missed the "S" out of personally.

Comment by: Ron D on 8th May 2010 at 22:47

You miss the point. Super market car parks look to me like ."Trolley song". I can't help it they are ugly . I just take them as I see them.

Comment by: gerald pilkington canada on 8th May 2010 at 23:49

he did what u didnt do bob b give him credit

Comment by: Mike on 9th May 2010 at 09:16

Dont take ugly things then!

Comment by: tricia on 9th May 2010 at 12:58

For Heavens sake.. if you do not like them , Mike, don't look at them...simples.. some people appreciate the time and effort....
Sorry, but that is how it is. Stop moaning...

Comment by: Mike on 9th May 2010 at 16:53

Tricia..go for a walk. Helen.. whats wrong with Tesco...infact, both go for a walk.

Comment by: tricia on 9th May 2010 at 19:07

I rest my case .. still looking though, aren't you??????

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 9th May 2010 at 21:36

Well Ron, 23 comments so far, your the highest number this month. well done.

Comment by: Helen on 10th May 2010 at 09:15

What a sweet nature Mike has !!

Comment by: Mike on 10th May 2010 at 10:27

OK... you win.

Comment by: Helen on 10th May 2010 at 15:35

Yipee !!

Comment by: Bob B on 10th May 2010 at 16:49

If anybody thinks that Tesco photo has any artistic merit had better get some extra strong glasses from specsavers and have another look, as for myself i have better things to look at by a million miles, Bob.

Comment by: Mike on 10th May 2010 at 20:44

Well said Bob, at least someone agrees with me!

Comment by: danile swain on 11th May 2010 at 04:58

I think mick does a good job, why look at the pictures he made the effort to take and then leave silly comments, obviously not very bright are you. keep u the good work!!

Comment by: ALF G on 11th May 2010 at 09:24

Cant understand you danile.... whose mick????

Comment by: Maggie on 11th May 2010 at 10:48

I think this is brilliant, Ron, both in terms of it being technically and artistically an excellent photo and, more importantly for me, it depicts the everyday world of Wigan (and many other places too of course) - isn't this how many of us spend our Saturdays?

Comment by: Alby Australia on 11th May 2010 at 13:59

My finger is sore,with winding down all these coments.All good ones, apart from the one from Bob b.Find another saying.dO YOUR SELF A GOOD TURN.

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