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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 12th March, 2010)

Locks under repair

Locks under repair
Photo taken last week, locks under repair towards Top Lock.

Photo: Thomas Sutch  (Fuji Finepix F810)
Views: 4,785

Comment by: Pauline Speirs on 12th March 2010 at 11:46

Glad to see that the locks are being looked after, spent a happy hol once on the canal and went thru all the locks at Wigan ( a lot of them too)

Comment by: jam on 12th March 2010 at 14:30

why dont they clear out all the rubbish in the canal while there's no water in?????

Comment by: bestbehaviour on 13th March 2010 at 06:36

jam, I hate rubbish too but who are 'they'?
The men repairing the lock gates aren't going to do it.
The street cleaners have their work cut out as it is.
I've discovered that the best way too clear up litter is to pick it up myself.

Comment by: Ken R on 14th March 2010 at 00:14

"They" are an invisible group of people that no ever sees.
To do something like this job would probably have to be done by the "paid" people, liability in the case of an accident would be a nightmare.

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