Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 12th September, 2009)
Back of New Market Street

Photo: Brian (Fuji Finepix S7000)
What an eyesore
Hi Brian, are they gonna demolished this building too?
Not a lot better from the front!
What a first impression for visitors this at one side of wigan and the (bombsite)old town hall at the other.
One of these was the vicarage of St.Thomas's in Caroline St.and I always remember paying my only visit there in 1955 with very sad news.All things pass.
These were superb properties, let go to ruin by guess who, once again by that useless Wigan council, They cannot do anything constructive, all the councillors can do is look after themselves with our council tax money,
Is it a bank
I think your photos are great. How sad that this building has just been left?
I was told idiots took slates off roof, did the idiots not see the building lower down, Thick as the proverbial pig S---.
these are a row of town houses.I walked passed them for four years on my way to school in Frog lane.I think at the time these houses were lived in as well
all those houses are privately owned nothing to do with the Council
Growing up in the 60s and 70 my grandparents James and Elizabeth Molyneux lived in the ground floor flat of 1 new Market st, furthest building to the left of pic. it is a disgrace that they have been left to get in such a state. i have such happy memories of my childhood here.
Ourmaude, If you know who owns them you should name and shame them, They make the town a disgrace, then just maybe they will do something about them, Ideal houses for the homeless.
A real waste of a good location, these could be renovated to a high standard with very little effort. Saying that there is no need to persistantly abuse the council over undeveloped, unused buildings. It is not their fault if private investors are lazy or uninterested in using prime sites (well, upto a certain extent!)