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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 6th April, 2009)

Dicconson Street

Dicconson Street
A view towards Dicconson Street from the top of the multi-storey car park.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,766

Comment by: Sane Man on 6th April 2009 at 02:19

Nice snap Brian. You can see the "Chimmney" at the Hospital.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 6th April 2009 at 07:34

Those workmen`s barriers are all over the place. I bet there`s more of them than road cones !

Comment by: ashfield on 10th April 2009 at 11:24

Beautiful Georgian architecture boarded up - it's a real waste.

Comment by: Tom Walsh on 7th February 2012 at 22:21

If these house's where in Bath they would be worth as small fortune. I hope there's a preservation order on them , or else another piece of our heritage will be had by the bulldozers

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