Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 3rd December, 2008)
A closer look

Municipal Buildings
Photo: Dave (Nikon D3 - Nikon 28-70mm AF-S F2.8)
Lovely sharp image. Where exactly is it?
i think it would be hard for builders of today to build any thing like that its so grand thanks dave
It's the same building as yesterday's photo Carol. Corner of Library St and Hewlett St Wigan.
A Grade 2 listed building, which this is, is a building of special interest, which warrants every effort being made to preserve it.
They only have to keep the outside Ernest. They can demolish the interior - and probably will.
The interior hasn't been maintained and is in a awful condition, and very damp in places. You are right Dave the interior is going to be demolished leaving the outside terracotta shell intact, hopefully!
as I said previous picture where is the tower?
Brilliant photo dave.
For a look at the tower go to Album,Then places,Then Library street,and look at Municipal Buildings.
Dioes anyone know what happened to the tower, why and when?
It was in a bit of a state,needed repairing,it had scaffold around it for some time and then the tower was taken off.This was around 1974-76,I was told at the time the tower was put in storage at the back of the Municipal Buildings.
Lets hope the bricks from the tower and can be found coccium, otherwise it will be a sad loss architecturally, has the building complete with tower in the photo in the Old Gallery looks very grand. Have you also noticed the piece of moulding that is missing above the central arch on the left side of the photo, the terracotta on the town hall has also got mouldings falling away, but they are dealing with this at the moment.
In fact in all listed buildings Grade I, Grade II* and Grade II - the interiors are just as protected as the exterior. See PPG15 online.