Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 12th November, 2008)
The Parade

Remembrance Day Parade Wigan 9th Nov 2008
Photo: Dave (Nikon D3 - Nikon 28-70mm AF-S F2.8)
Photo: Dave (Nikon D3 - Nikon 28-70mm AF-S F2.8)
Views: 4,993
Comment by: Thomma Ashtonin m on 12th November 2008 at 12:43
The Boys of the old brigade on the march
Comment by: Eric Turner on 12th November 2008 at 13:03
Good turnout by people on parade and by spectators. These 8 Standard bearers were followed by others with their respective units. Please note, they are all in step on the photo'. E. Turner.
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