Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day (Monday, 6th October, 2008)
Taken in Haigh Plantations. The lads build all their own engines, they are fantastic bits of kit.
Photo: Harry Cunliffe (Nikon Coolpix 7900)
Photo: Harry Cunliffe (Nikon Coolpix 7900)
Views: 5,086
Comment by: Raymond Sutch on 15th October 2012 at 00:31
My mate gordon a fellow member of Wigan District Modle Engineering Society most members have built their own engines Steam n Electrical n we run Wednesday n Sundays weather permitting n depending if any member brings their engine all rides are free but you may place a donation in the box at your discretion great day out if we have the weather for young n old
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